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Hi my lovelies Today's chapter is going to be really really long, so grab your popcorn and get comfy, let's begin!


~Aph's POV~

'Christmas! Christmas! Christmas! EEEEK can't wait for Santa to come! hopefully Zane won't try and takes the gifts again!' I think to myself as I play with Celestia, my cute little baby. "INVITATIONS!!" I yell realizing I forgot to invite everyone, even after we already decorated for it.

"KAWAII~CHAN!!" I yelled running out of my room, "APHMAU~SENPAI!! WHATS WRONG?!" K.C yelled coming out of her room, "DID YOU TELL ANYONE ABOUT THE PARTY?!?!" K.C shook her head, "no that was your job Aphmau~Senpai." I was freaking out, "Kawaii~Chan can you go invite some-people for me please?" She nodded with a big smile. We both walked out the house with the invitations, I spent so long on them and some how I still forgot! K.C ran over to the guys house, I went a gave Brendan one.

~baby time skip~

We were almost done,all we needed was (Y/n) and Zane. "I'll get (Y/n)~Senpai!" Kawaii~Chan yelled, I guess I got Zane then. I walked over to his house and knocked on the door. "Zane! It's me, Aphmau!" no answer.

~K.C's POV~

I ran over to (Y/n)~Senpai's house, and knocked on the door. "It's open!" I heard her yell from inside, I skipped in side with a smile that quickly faded. "Zane~Kun! Why are you here?" I say see the side of his head on the couch next to (Y/n)~Senpai. "hey, K.C whats up?" (Y/n)~Senpai asked, she turned her head and leaned on the back of the couch. "IS THAT ZANE~KUNS MASK!!" I yell, Zane had his hand up blocking his face. (Y/n)~Senpai laughed, "Yep!" She said happily, she moved Zane's hand, reviling him without a mask, and his hair was held back by a bow.

"Soooo, what's up?" She asked again, "you two better not be a thing..." I pouted, they didn't say anything, but Zane was clearly blushing. "NO! DON'T TELL ME YOU ARE!!" (Y/n)~Senpai pulled the mask down. "I-it's not like that K.C, I just happened to catch him without his mask and put it on...that's all." She pulled the mask back up, I seen the blush on her face appear just before though. I held out the invite, "here." I said not wanting to be close to whatever was happening there. (Y/n)~Senpai jumped over the couch and took the invite with a smile, "Thanks K.C!" I looked at Zane who hand was back to covering his face, then to (Y/n)~Senpai.

"Don't let him corrupt you." She laughed a little "don't worry, I'll still be the amazing, awesome person I am and Zane will still be a grumpy, eats all the cupcakes, criminal ." I nod and wave goodbye to them (Y/n)~Senpai waved back and closed the door behind me.+

~Your POV~

~Little while ago~

"Heheheh, you look cute without it, I would've never guessed you had freckles."I smiled at Zane, "C-cute?" I laughed, "yeah, cute, wait no, not cute, you look...flipping adorable!" He looked away blushing, does he blush as much as Garroth does? how often does he blush? I looked around awkwardly, my eyes landed on the mask and sweater on the couch. "Mine!" I yelled quickly grabbing them, I giggled a little. He looked back over to me and tried to grab the mask, "please?" He said rudely, "it's not nice to take peoples things (Y/n)." I laugh, and put his sweater on along with the mask. "MINE!" I yelled again, I then gasped and quickly ran to the bathroom, I ran back out with a little hair bow that I never wear.

I quickly placed it in his hair showing his other eye. "GHA!! (Y/N)!!" He said taking it out. "...Zane..." I pouted, "pwease?" He rolled his eyes and put the hair bow back in, "can I have my mask back." I shook my head, "nope" I said popping the 'p'. "(Y/n) I thought you were supposed to be nice, taking people things is NOT nice." I put my hands on her hips, "nice? breaking into my home isn't nice either."

New Neighbor, New Love (MyStreet boys x reader)Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt