Oh Shatt Nuggets

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YO YO MY LOVELIES! How are you all doing? Before we get into the story I'd like to thank AphmauLovetr_987 for giving me an oc, (y/n)'s old friend, it was a lot of help because I'm terrible at making ocs. Anyway lets get on with it now shall we?


       When (Y/n) got back home after her little kiss with (whatever guy you picked) she jumped on the couch. Sighing as she grabbed out her phone, she seen she had a new text from her old friend, Josh.  (I know last time I said to come up with your own friend but that's because I'm bad with making characters) (y/n) looked at the text, "HELPPPPPP!!" "TINY CHILD OF MINE!!" "PLEASE! I NEED YOU!!" "ARE YOU DEAD?! OMI (Y/N) ARE YOU OK?!" "that was meant as joke you're not really dead are you?" She laughed as she read the text, cause that's the first thing you text someone after not talking for a few years. (Y/n) shakes her head and text back (J-Josh Y-you)

Y- Hey, you ok?


Y- LOL yeah I'm fine do you need something?

J-um...can I stay at your place for a few days?

Y-why? don't you have other gay friends?

Y-guys* I mean guys...sorry I mean some of them might be gay IDK

J- yeah but they all have lovers or not enough room for me :(

Y- Yeah I guess you can stay with me as long as you didn't change into a weirdo over the years


Y- yeah, yeah, I'm address is fastj;alejf;shgp mystreet :)


       (Y/n) smiled slightly as she put her phone down and got up to grab a quick snack. She sadly ran out of cookies and had to find something else, but that's what she gets for only eating cookies. "AGH! I JUST WANT SWEETS!" She yelled into her fridge, "who eats real food now-a-days anyway." she pouts as she grabs an apple after she finished she watch T.V, which she can do now on her T.V, good for (Y/n).


       (Y/n) got up after hearing a knock on the door, when she answered it she was greeted by her old friend. "MY LITTLE BABY!!" He yelled as he quickly scooped her up in his arms, it was meant as a huge but because of their height difference (Y/n) wasn't touching the ground. "GHA! PUT ME DOWN YOU GIANT!" (Y/n) laughed as she tried to wiggle out of his grip, so enough he put her down. He ran his hand though hi dirty blonde hair, "sorry about the last minute thing, I know you probably weren't expecting me of all people to ask for help." Josh let out an awkward laugh, (y/n) nodded, "yeah, but you didn't ask you practically begged me." She said in a cocky tone of voice flipping her hair. Josh chuckled as he shook his head, "it's good to see you haven't changed." They both laughed a little, "sooo, do you want to maybe come i-" (Y/n) was cut off.

       "Who are you?" I cold voice that belonged to Zane said, making the two look at him. "Hi, Zane!" The girl smiled at her friend, "who's that (y/n)," Josh says  as he stepped closer to her in a protective way, still seeming nice however. "His names Zane, isn't he so cute!" She said in a silly voice, Zane's eye...eyes...no! I'M NOT DOING THIS AGAIN! his eyes widened at what she said, "c-cute." Zane stuttered causing (y/n) to laugh, "I guess you're (y/n) friend?" Josh smiled and stuck out his hand, "I'm Josh, it's nice to meet you." Zane glared at his hand, "yes," he said questioningly, "nice to meet you too." 

       Zane looked the boy up n' down in a judging madder, "heh, well, I should get to unpacking, um, what should I do with my stuff (Y/n)?" Josh asked taking his hand away and looking at (Y/n). "OH! um, heh, I didn't really think that part though..." She said looking down, "wait, this guys going to be living with you?" Zane asked coldly, "y-yes? why?" (Y/n) said raising a brow, "w-well, he's a guy!" Zane said in a flustered tone, "Aph, Katelyn, and K.C all live with Vylad and he's a guy." Zane looks down after hearing her comment, "but they're not you." He mumbled, "whatever, it's not like I care who you live with or anything." He said more loudly, in a swift move he turned and walked away.

       "Who's that, you boyfriend~" Josh cooed making the girl blush, "WH-WHAT!? NO OF...of course not." She said making her words softer as she spoke, Josh laughed, "but that's what you want him to be?" He cooed again causing (Y/n) to punch him in the gut, "shut up will ya'" she said crossing her arms. "At least I have a love interest, unlike you," (Y/n) says as she starts walking into her house, "so his is your love interest?" He asked suspiciously, "I don't know, my life just depends on what author-san makes of it. So yeah I guess he's one of my many love interest, I mean Irene author-san pick one guy!" The girl started randomly rambling as she broke the fourth wall, God reader~sama stay in character will you?

~~~Vylad's POV~~   

       I sat on the couch,  all the girls were out so I had the house to myself, in other words the T.V was all mine. I happened to glance out the window only to see a man picking (Y/n) up, quickly I ran to the window. He didn't look like he wanted to hurt her, I pulled out my phone and texted  her, 'hey, hru?' can't sound to creepy or let her know I was watching her, IRENE WHY AM I WATCHING HER, YOU CREEP! I mentally yelled at myself, I seen Zane come around on his normal walk he stopped and questioned the other guys too. Was that her boyfriend? no. she would have told us if she had one...I think, Irene I hope so, I mean with all the kissing. 


       "What the heck are you talking about?" He asked me, I looked over at him, "oh you know, how we're stuck in a world created by author-san to make all the reader~sama's happy...have you not noticed that my name is literally a Y and a N?" He nodded, "I just thought your mom and dad were weird." OH SHATT NUGGETS WHAT DID I SAY READER~SAMA? STAY IN CHARACTER!

       "Anyway, aside from all that, we need a place to put you." I said grabbing my phone off the couch, I looked at it to see a text from Vylad...VYLAD! "MY BASEMENT!" I yell with a smile, "what?" Josh ask, "well my friend Vylad lives in Aph's, another friend of mine, basement, so you can live in a basement too!" He laughs a little and nods, "I'll go get my stuff." With that he leaves out the door, I look back at the text. 'hey, hru?' I jump onto my couch and start typing.

Y-I'm ok! hru?

V-im good, um can I ask you something?

Y-sure, what's up?

V-you don't have a boyfriend, right

Y-are you asking me out?

V-no, i mean I would but not right now...

Y-well then, no I dont

V-good, so whos that guy moving boxes into your house?

Y-are you being creepy

V-NO! I just saw him from the window!

Y- lol, he's just a friend

Y-don't worry you still have a chance. well gtg, bye :)

I put my phone down and got up to grab another snack, I need to stop eating snacks and get some real food, Irene if I keep eating like this I might die...OH WELL!


HIYA my lovelies, so I want to thank AphmauLovetr_987 again for the oc, Josh, I also want to thank all of you reader~samas again for, well reading. Another thing to you reader~Samas, who gave you the right to break the fourth wall twice? I mean come on really? ANYWAY! have a good day/night!














I LOVE YOU(*≧▽≦) 

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