Who's The Best Kisser??

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"Which one of the guys are you dating?"







        Everyone looked at me like I was dumb, "you're dating one of them, right?" Cadenza asked, "that's what everyone else told me," Nicole add Cadenza nodded. "I...no, why would I want to date one of those losers?" I laughed, play it cool (y/n) play it cool, "that's my girl," Katelyn smiled. "unless you count-" I was cut off, "I KNEW IT!! SHE'S IS WITH SOMEONE!!" Aphmau yelled shoving more bread sticks in her mouth, "who?" they all asked. "What I was going to say is, unless you count fictional people." I rub the back of the neck awkwardly and bit my lip as I looked away from everyone.

          "Oh." They all said plainly except Katelyn who said, "darn right they're fictional." I wasn't lying, all my hubbies are fictional, at least that's what others say about them, they're real, they're out there. Irene (y/n) you sound like you're talking about aliens, I mean some of them have powers. WHAT DID I SAY ABOUT TALKING TO YOURSELF!! "(Y/n)~Senpai are you OK?" K.C waved her hand in front of my face. "What?" Kawaii~Chan giggled, "never mind, it's nothing," I raised a brow, only to make her giggle again. 

       "Kawaii~Chan it's clearly not him," Cadenza states, "well it's not Cadenza~Sama's guess either," K.C whined. "Girls I was right," Nicole said making Aph shake her head, "I'm with Cadenza on this one." Nicole crosses her arms ,"you're joking right, do you see the way the look at each other?" Nicole smiles, "Kawaii~Chan knows her guess is right!" K.C said, "no way Aph and I are correct," Cadenza said looking at Aph, "yeah, plus we're higher in numbers," Aph adds. "W-Well Kawaii~Chan's higher in meif'was!" She crosses her arms, "I'm higher in cool people, and Katelyn's with me, so we're the same in numbers."

        "Katelyn's not with any of us!" Aph yells looking at Katelyn, "normally I wouldn't be, but it's Nicole." She says smiling at her making Nicole put on a proud face, "but," Katelyn started causing Nicole's proud face to melt away, "but what?" She asked, "it's up to (y/n), her feeling, her...'boyfriend', her chose." I look at all of them, "what are we talking about!" 

       "Kawaii~Chan says you're with Aaron, Cadenza and Aph say Laurence, Nicole says Travis." Katelyn explains, "Katelyn says Travis too!" Nicole quickly adds, "I-I say Travis...t-too." She looks away seemingly ashamed, "oh ok...WAIT WHAT!" It took a second it register what she had said, "guys~" I put my face in my hands and shake my, "why are you like this?" I drag my hands down and sigh in disappointment, I look over at Katelyn. "sorry, (y/n), but Nicole..." I nod, "I'm not 'with' any of them."

       "are you sure?"  Cadenza asked with a smug look, "y-yes?" I say it more like a question than a statement, "so you want to be with one of them?" My face went red, "n-no!" She giggles, "(Y/n)~Senpai's  a bad lair," Kawaii~Chan says, "no I'm not!" I cross my arms, "sure whatever you say." Aph says smiling, "can we talk about something else please?" They laugh, "after you answer one question." Nicole smirks, "what?" I ask in a worried tone, "Laurence, Aaron, or Travis?" 

       "...I hate you all," I state angrily making them laugh a little. "Come on (Y/n)," Aph nudges my arm. "I don't know? They're my friends it's weird to talk about that,"  I look down. Aph puts her head on my shoulder, "please?" I look at her, "they're all good guys," I say, Aph nudges my arm again, "(y/n)." I sigh, "that's the best you're getting from me, my love life is my love life." I hear Kawaii~Chan laughs, "so (y/n)~Senpai does have a love life?" I sigh again, "yes, and I'm not telling any of you about it."

       They pouted for a bit but soon the topic was dropped, after we finished our food and payed we left. "Aphmau~Senpai can I sit up front?" K.C ask as we get to the car, Aph nods and gets in the back with me. No one talked the whole ride when we got back to their place I walked home. I went to my room and sat on my bed, I pulled out my phone to see what (inter old friend name) said. When I was about to look at the text I got a call from Lucinda, I answered it. "Hi," I smiled even though she couldn't see me, "hello (y/n)," she said. "What can I do for you?" I asked, "um, yeah, can you come over?" I nodded even though (once again) she can't see me, "yeah, I guess when do you want me to be there?" 

       "When ever you want," she says into the phone, "ok I'll be over shortly then," I hung up and tried to look at text again. It was just a bunch of gibberish, they're probably drunk, they're hopefully drunk. I fell back and stretched my arms up, "Aaron, Laurence, or Travis, huh? weird options, they're all so different. why'd I have to be the one getting shipped?" I sighed and brought my arms back down, "ok, let's go to Lucinda's." I stood up and went back downstairs, "gha stupid stairs," I mumble as I walk down. After throwing my shoes and coat back on I headed off.

       Before I could knock on the door she opened it and let me in, "Hi," I smile, "hey," she smiles back. "So why did you need me?" Asked curiously, "Cadenza called me while she was driving home, she told what you all talk about." I nodded, she call me over for an old conversation she wasn't even apart of? "what about it," she smirks evilly, "well about the boys~" she winked, I'm a little scared, "about them?" I feel my face start to heat up, stop it! "You've kissed them all haven't you?" My face heat up even, "I'll take that as a yes," she laughed. "Why do you want to know?" 

"Who's the best kisser?"


HI MY LOVELIES!! So for the next chapter I want you lovelies to vote for the best kisser, is it.








IT'S UP TO YOU!! (Y/N) FATE REST IN YOUR HANDS!! so your fate rest in your hands! Who ever has the most votes will be the main event for the next chapter, if theirs a draw I'll pick one of the two. As always have a great day/night!












I LOVE YOU!!  ♥(Ɔ ˘⌣˘)♥(˘⌣˘ C)♥


New Neighbor, New Love (MyStreet boys x reader)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora