Chapter 33

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I used to see her breaking every day when she saw me with Megan. I was not in love with Megan at all. I just wanted to make Kiara realise that she should trust me and her feelings for me. I wanted her to realize that she loved me. All this was planned. Megan being my girlfriend, Kiara seeing us making out , ignoring her everything.

Megan was a great help. She was my childhood buddy and when I told her about my plan she was instantly ready for it.

I used to see her cry which used to make me feel guilty but no way I was going to step back. I was taken aback when she convinced Kabir to not to dance with me.

I was also knowing some things about her doctor visit but nothing about what the doctor told to her.

I every night went to see her secretly practicing alone for her championship.

She looked so beautiful while practicing. But I was able to see her red eyes. I think she was not talking her food properly because her bones had started to show out. Her face was pale.

One night I saw her fractured leg swollen up. I was tensed that she might be hurting herself purposely. I couldn't let her do that. But I didn't knew what to do.

I missed her. I missed her touch, her smile, the brightness in her eyes, her aura everything.

I just wanted to go there and hug and never leave her alone.

Staying away from her was now being a tough job for me.

3 days before her championship I saw her telling Kabir that she still hadn't got any. costume for her performance.

I wanted her to gift her a nice dress for it.

So I bought a nice flowy dress with different shades of blue. It was full sleeved with silver sequins. Her neck was if high collar of dark blue colour. As the the dress went down the shade of blue fades n comes to pale blue. The much line had silver flowers. With it I bought a small tiara for her to wear which had dark blue stones.

I packed it all up and kept a letter with it. I placed them in her doormat. I rang the doorbell.


Her voice was like someone was pH ring honey in my ears.

I went from there leaving her with her surprise.

I was whipped in her love. My doll.

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