The Secret

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*Flash Back*

"Royal" - The best school in terms of co-curricular activities in the state of Gujarat in India.

It was known for five things:

1) its campus. It was huge and awesome.

2) The shows it held.

3) Best students came out from this academy in sports, dance, and drama winning all competitions.

4) Dance.

5) The Royal Knights

The Royal Knights.

Arjun Shah

Kabir Sharma

Rahul Jain

Tanya Sharma

Aliya David

Kiara Kapoor

We were the best students of the academy. We were called knights of the academy.

Arjun and Tanya were best at dramatics.

Rahul and Aliya were best at sports and Kabir and I were best at dance.

I was trained in contemporary, ballroom belly dance and kathak. I was the only student who was getting trained in ice skating.

Kabir was my dance partner. He was trained in contemporary, jazz, ballroom and hip-hop.

Tanya was my best friend. We all were friends since 7 years . We had a new girl called  Layla.  She was good at hip hop. She was a brunette. She was beautiful no doubt. She got mixed up with us in no time.

As per our academy rules all the students had to obey and follow us- The knights. We did shows often. The passes we sold for the show were one of the incomes except the student fees.

Two months after she joined we had a dance competition and she insisted to be the lead dancer with kabir. But he was my partner. How can she perform with him. And on the top the theme of the competition was romance. And I and Kabir had awesome chemistry. No one in the academy had chemistry like us in dance. The prize money was huge and the winners were going to get a chance to make an album of their own. No way were we losing it. I sternly refused Layla for it.

The competition was in 1 week. People came to know that Layla had a thing for Kabir. And she would try her best to take my place. I was so annoyed but I knew I couldn't help it because as Kabir was my friend he had told me that even he felt for Layla. Presence of Layla during our rehearsal became prominent.

Just two days before the competition I got big news:- 

1) Kabir had proposed Layla and was whipped.  They were in a relation.

2) There was an email from the national figure skating association saying that from my state I was selected with other 2 girls from my state for nationals. And the next round was after 4 days.

I had no time to prepare for it. I was under so much pressure. On the day of the competition before 1 hour of the show started I and Kabir were having a final trial. When I entered my green room I saw a girl in my costume getting ready...


"What are you doing here and that too in my costume?”

“Don’t u know that the competition is going to start and I have to get ready for the performance?"

I stood in shock. She got up and came to me....she was ready already.

"Kiara Kapoor. The best female dancer for the ROYALS has lost because I am better then you. But my sister, she was the best. Last year you won the dance competition against my sister Shreya. You got all the limelight. You got everything that my sister deserved. You were nothing in front of her. Her friends left her because they wanted to be with you. She was left all alone .She was so depressed that competitions after competitions you won against her. And that made her suicide. Dance was her passion and you bitch. She died because of you."

I was blank. I knew Shreya . She was my toughest competitor. And she hated me a lot. But I didn't knew anything about her suicide. I thought she was fed up of losing so she stopped entering into competitions.

Mean while the competitions had started.

Out of 10 our performance was 8.

"You have to die Kiara because my sister died because of you."

Everything happened so fast. She took out a knife from her bag. I pushed her back but my bad luck that I tripped over and fell. The whole rack of clothes fell on my right leg and I screamed. Layla took advantage of it and stamped on my right leg several times. We heard people coming towards my green room because of my scream. Layla took a match stick n lit the curtains and soon the room was full of flames. She walked out of the room with ease. I saw Kabir coming and she transformed. She started screaming for help when Kabir asked her she told him that I was inside but till the time he came to rescue me I was unconscious.

I opened my eyes and saw myself in a hospital room. I was having a headache.

My friends were there but instead of smiling they all were looking at me in anger.

What the hell was going on?

Soon I came to know that layla had made up a story that I was insecure of her thinking that she will take my position so I wanted to take revenge from her by killing her and lit the room with the match stick but instead I tripped over and got hurt. And she even said that she was wearing my costume because she loved it, she even tried to convince me to allow her to wear that dress. But instead of listening to her I attacked her. So now everybody believed her and no one even tried listening to me. She had brain washed them perfectly.

Kabir and Tanya told me that they were ashamed of having a best friend like me.

I cried. I tried to speak but my throat was dry. They left me alone in the hospital and went. I had come to know that my right leg was fractured and I won’t be allowed to dance for some months and the doctor said that I should never try to do Ice skating again. All of this shattered me into pieces from inside. After two days in hospital I got a letter from the academy that I was rusticated and Layla was given my position. 

I felt like dying. But my family was there for me. They stood with me because they trusted me. Time went by and I became more lonely and depressed. But my parents had plans for me they sent my videos to many academies for scholarship that is how I ended up being in New Jersey.

I left India without meeting my friends. And I swore that I would never enter into competitions again. I saw the result of entering into one.

After coming to New Jersey I was informed that soon Kabir had started taking alcohol and was rude to everybody. He got into fights with people and by mistake he slapped Layla too.

He had apologized but that slap had left a huge impact on her. Layla was feeling guilty that because of her deeds Kabir turned into this monster and she confessed everything.

Due to whatever had happened, the concentration of everybody from work was gone. The academy started losing competitions in every field. Even the shows they held were flop. And now Royals was in debt. It had no money to pay to workers. No sponsors. So now it was getting auctioned.

I got emails and letter from everybody that they were sorry and they needed my help.

The reason due to which I lied to Rose Jacob and Edward was that I didn't want to be part of dance anymore and I didn’t want their sympathy.

*Flashback Over*

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