The wish list.

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So our holidays have started. Finally no college, no work, no stress.

I was laying on the couch in the hall. I was wearing a yellow summer dress and was having a Skype call with my parents. We were having a serious discussion about my scholarship. My parents wanted that I should tell everybody why I was there , on which basis I got the scholarship. They wanted me to go mad again for my passion but I knew I was not going to let out my  secret to anybody.

Someone knocked the entrance door. I closed my laptop after saying goodbye to my family. I opened the door. He was standing there. Jacob Stone. Brown pants and black v shaped t-shirt. He was looking like a geek god. Ya he was.

He hugged and greeted me.

"Jake. uuumm you here?"

" Babe , we were supposed to discuss my wishlist!"

"Oh!yea". I had completely forgotten about this. The arguments between me and my family were growing.

Jacob took a notepad and a pen and starting writing down something. Maybe his wishes.

"Kia , so I have almost 10 things in my list. 3 weeks. Each week 3 wishes to be completed. OK?"

I sat on the couch and nodded my head. I tried to take the paper from his hand but he held it more tightly.

" Let me see Jake."

"No. I will only tell you the wish when we are going to go for it . Not before it."

I nodded but I was annoyed.

"So let's start Kia. So here goes nothing. My first wish is...."

I was waiting for him to complete his sentence.

"Speak up Jake."

I got angry.

"Scuba diving. I want to go for scuba diving."

Scuba diving it was....

Two days later I was standing in his yatch in middle of the sea . I was wearing an electric blue bikini.

I had slapped on loads of sun lotion to keep from tanning. Although going in the water was going to ruin it.

For reasons so obvious, Jake was staring at me from behind his shades. His mouth hanging open.

He himself was hot. In his maroon swimsuit. His butt looked cute.

His muscles were stiff. Shoulders so square. He had abs..I could count one , two ,three....they were eight. I was in awe.

If I was any other girl, I would have been  turned on.

I saw him still staring at me. "Stop raping me  through your eyes Jake." I said annoyingly.

" Why not? U look sexy...your curves...ahem ... Barbie doll. U have really maintained your figure. I m so eager to touch you..Come here let me taste you." He chuckled

I knew he was teasing me as he wouldn't touch me without my permission still I gave him the answer to his words.

"Don't be a pervert Jake" . I shotted him a  death glare.

" OK OK . Don't try to kill me". He made a puppy face . " If you will kill me then all my girls will pull your hair off."

I ignored him.

So it was time to be in the water.

We attached our oxygen cylinder , the mask and all necessary stuff to ourselves. Butterflies were moving here and there in my stomach.


She was looking so sexy in her blue bikni. She caught me staring at her and our argument started but it was fun. I don't why I wanted to touch her so badly today.

Soon it was the time for the diving. We attached all things to us and dived into the water.

Wow this was amazing. The sight in front of me was heaven. Corals , marine plants, fishes of all types....woooooooooww.

I swam across to reach Kia. I took her hand in mine . She didn't pull her hand back but gripped mine more stronger.

We swam for an hour I think because now we were on my yatch and we were so damn tired.

I looked at her. Her skin was shining under the sun. Her long black hair flowed with the wind. She was surely enjoying this. But after some time I saw her shivering due to the cold climate.

"Babe why don't  you go and change and then we can have the talk about my second wish".

She nodded and went down to the room. As there was no one else , I also changed my clothes up here.

I wore black jeans and white shirt tucked in.  Peacefully I was glancing the view. The sunset. It was so beautiful.

I saw Kiara coming.  She was wearing a white off shoulder dress. It had lace on  both sides. She was wearing a brown belt around her waist with white flats. Her hair was tied up neatly in a pony. She came and sat next to me. I saw a smile on her face. I just kept staring at her.

Maybe I was falling for her.


"So let's start. What's your second wish Jakey" . I tried to break the silence. I don't know why he was staring at me in such A manner.  I think I m blushing. Not I M not. I can't I told my mind. He is just my best friend and he ready had so many girls to be taken care off. Girls who were ready to my with him. Gross. Jake was surely a  playboy and I shouldn't fall for him.

" U know that I love cooking food. Cooking is my second love after dance. So I want you to be my date to this cooking competition and help me winning it. This competition comes once in 4 years. I had tried to apply before but there were rules. I needed an assistant but my guys thought I was stupid to get into cooking."

He gave me the paper which had information about the competition. I shrieked " Oh my god. This competition is today and exactly in 2 hours. HOW WE re going to manage. ? " I was getting hyper but he made me relax by giving be hug. 

We reached the venue just 15minutes before the competition started.

We were shown our cooking area . We were number 9. 

Simple it was , more the food tasty and innovative, more were the chances to win this.

"Hey Jakey, in all this chaos I forgot to ask the prize . What is it?"

"Uuumm well, hard cash prize. He gave me that naughty smirk.

The time had started and we had decided to make - Gajar ka halwa (Indian sweet dish  with carrot  as the main ingredient .)

Initially we were little bit clumsy but we took up with time. And guess what we won it. I was so happy for Jake. He was crowned with a chef cap and the prize money of 5000 dollars. I could see him grinning.

So the day was over. We went to an Italian restaurant to have dinner. Jake dropped me home and I soon dozed of to sleep.

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