Chapter 38

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Layla POV (going back to full names since the story is almost over:( )

Me and prod left Prince and Rachael downstairs while we went upstairs to watch tv aka to leave prince and rachael alone. Me and prod aren't in a relationship anymore.... im pretty sure you know we broke up >>> DX. He isn't flirting or trying to come on to me like he used to... were just friends I guess. but I don't want to be friends I want to be in a relationship again... I know what I did made my image come off as a little untrustworthy... maybe a lot of untrustworthy. But I honestly think its time to get over it.. Dainel is gone, and its been a few days now... but I guess that time will come around


10 mins into the movie that me and prod were watching and we heard a scream from downstairs, I figured out what it was since I knew it was rachael. Prod and I exchanged glances then ran downstairs, I think he knew what it was so im sure where on the same page.


In the living room we saw Prince just staring at rachael as she laid there lifeless. Prod soon started questioning him about what happened and whatever then I went upstairs to get my phone to text the others to inform them on what has happened.

Send to: Lilianna, Avery, Roc, Ray
Text: Prince bit rach and she laying in the living room lifeless. Come over when you get this text, it's urgent. <_<

\ -_-
  (  ( >
  /   \  Huahhhhhh  (lml idk I was bored for a second XD)


Lillianna POV

I've been depressed for a few days after I killed Daniel. I guess you can say I was still in love with him? I don't know really but after my brain realized that I killed him I killed me as well. I don't mean to ignore roc and the rest of them. It's just that I want to be left alone and just think about what to do/ how to get over it. I mean, he is dead now he isn't coming back... but every time I think about him I start to feel weird. I know he hates me for doing that though, that's why I also feel weird I keep thinking he will come back or sumthin and kill me, so I could suffer just the same way he did when I killed him. My phone vibrated I quickly thought it was roc or something trying to talk to me through text... but when I looked it was Layla.

Sent From: Layla
Text: Prince bit rach and she laying in the living room lifeless. Come over when you get this text, it's urgent. <_<

As soon as I finished reading it I heard a knock at my window. I hesitated to look but then again if its bad person I could just kick there ass I am a vampire I need to stop being a wimp, I killed one person and I treating it like its the end of the world. When Vampires all around the world killed more then 1 person and don't freak out like I am. When looked out the window I saw roc... of course he's the only one who refuses to use a door.

I opened it. "could you please use the door like a normal person and stop looking like a robber who is breaking into my house?" I said as I closed the window after he go inside of my bedroom.

"well it's good that your talking to me now" he said as he sat on my bed.

"really, roc why did come over here??" I asked annoyed.

"aren't you happy to see me at least? Do you not remember im your boyfriend Lillianna?"

I walked over to him and hugged him. "im sorry, I am happy to see you roc its just that im a upset with myself."

"is it about Dainel?" he asked looking at me

"well, yeah but I really need to get over it."

"well you should lilly, but you cant stop talking to all your friends. Dainel did try to 'kill' u in some way, you had the 'right' to kill him before he got to you"

"I guess your right but anyways.... how come you came over baby?" I asked.

"you didn't get the text from layla?" he said and showed me on his phone.

"yeah... I saw it. I was thinking of going over there"

"we should lilly she did say its urgent."

"I guess well let me get dressed then we will leave" I said and went into my drawers to look for something quick to put on.

"ight'" he said and went on his phone while I went into my bathroom to change.

Avery POV

im staying with ray for right now... this is where all the boys live... its decent I guess lol. I still upset about to the 'not noticeable to human' thing I have. But its whatever now, I cant change anything. Me and ray are watching tv when we got a text at the same time from layla.

From: Layla
Text: Prince bit rach and she laying in the living room lifeless. Come over when you get this text, it's urgent. <_<

"we should go now ave"

"but what about how I look?"

"so what ave? its still you.... don't worry about that. Lets just go okay?"






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