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Layla, Rachael, and I finished up lunch and threw away our trash when the bell rang. Lilly hadn't returned yet so we were heading to the bathroom to see if everything was alright. We all walked out of the lunchroom and shortly after we exited we saw Lilly running down the hallway pushing through the crowd.

"Woah, woah, woah" I laughed as I grabbed her "Why are you running?"

She caught her breath for a second and sighed deeply "Sorry, I...took so...long..."

"Damn..." I said trying to keep a straight face while staring at her "Did you really fall in the toilet? What took you so long?" I smirked 

She tilted her head to glare at me "Shut it." she snapped and then she turned to Layla "We need to talk." 

"Um, Hi?" Rachael said awkwardly "I thought we don't keep secrets in this group..." she cocked her eyebrow

"It..." Lilly began saying but stopped "It's not a secret...I just need to talk to her about something for class." 

"Oh really?" I questioned and got another glare "What class?" I pushed 

" 'How to keep Avery's mouth shut' class" She glared harder 

"That comeback sucked" I teased "Try better next time."

"Sorry, I'm just bit out of breath." she rolled her eyes "Lack of oxygen and all...you know?"

I laughed "Why did you look so scared, Lilly? It seems like you were running from something" Rachael butted in

"I wasn't. I was just late for class...like we all are right now...so we should get going" She said and we all began walking to our next class. "So, y'all are all coming over to my house today right?" she asked, clearly changing the subject...

"Yup" Layla and I both said at the same time

"Cool...cool." Lilly said as she looked over at Rachael "Of course, you are also invited, Rach. You know, if you have no plans of course."

"I'm sure I can" Rachael smiled sightly "I'll just let my mom know...but she should be cool with it anyways." She shrugged "She works late."

"Great" Lilly slightly smiled and we all said our 'goodbyes' and separated for our next period. 

• • • 



School ended and I headed straight outside to wait for the girls to come out so we could begin walking to my house. Luckily, I didn't live very far from the school so it wasn't a long walk.  Finally, after a few minutes, the three of them all walked out of the school and we all started walking towards my house. While we were walking I pulled Layla back a little so Avery and Rachael were in front of us leading the way and wouldn't be able to hear what we were talking about.

"I know." I whispered to Layla.

"You know what, Lilly?" Layla whispered back 

"Stop with the BS, Lilly." I snapped "I know what the boys are"

She paused before responding to me, and got quieter with her next response "What boys?" 

I sighed and rolled my eyes "Craig, Chresanto, Jacob and Ray. I know they're vampires." This really caught her attention.

Her eyes widened a bit "How the fuck..." she said but I cut her off. 

"And I know you know...that's why you've been so weird around us whenever we mentioned the boys," I said directly 

She lightly cleared her throat "So does that explain why you ran out of the lunchroom as soon as they left? "

"Are you watching them?" I eyed her

"I'm ALWAYS watching them. This is my life now..." she said sharply "I have to constantly watch my back because of Craig's 'maybe' empty threats he throws at me daily." 

I didn't answer for a second taking in everything I just heard "You're life is that fearful now?"

"Extremely. I know how to handle Craig, it's been two years since I've known...he won't do anything to me." she shrugged "Who told you?"

"Chresanto..." I said "I saw...his red eyes and...fangs...and you know everything" I shivered "It was extremely creepy..."

She chuckled "You get a bit use to it." she said, "Besides, if didn't hurt you then...then he most likely isn't going to touch you." 

"Well, that's a bit relieving," I said slightly smiling  

"Don't." she snapped at me 

"Don't what?" I cocked an eyebrow at her "What are you talking about?"

"Don't let your guard down. Even though he most likely won't harm you...doesn't mean you still aren't in danger." she said sharply "Just keep an eye on him. That's what I've been doing with Craig."

I nodded "Understood." 

"And most importantly, you can't tell anyone." She said seriously

"Not even Avery or Rachael?" I questioned

"No." she shook her head "Unless the boys let them know about their existence on their own...we aren't allowed to do it for them. They will kill you if you go against these rules..." she looked at me "That's why I couldn't tell you...Craig is listening to every conversation I have with you girls..."

I quickly looked around "Listening? How?"

"They have super advanced hearing." she said

"I thought it was only mind reading..." I said slowly 

"Their powers are varies...but the main ones that every vampire share are telepathy, super hearing, super speed...." she said "But you will learn more about it as time goes on."

"Got it..." I said slowly and then smirked "So are you and Craig like dating? That ass slap at lunch...was a lot..." I teased as I nudged her 

She blushed lightly "No!" she laughed "He's a perv...I've just learned to ignore him."

I laughed "You seem to like it" 

"No! Lilly just stop." she laughed along with me. "He's attractive...I'm not denying that." then she suddenly held her head "Ugh...stop Craig...leave me alone." she said to herself

I looked around once more "Is he here?" I whispered 

"Ugh...no." she let go of her head "By using their telepathy powers they can speak to us through our minds...basically creating a mind link." she explained "That way we could converse throughout our minds. 

"That's weird" we both chuckled "So what did he say?" I asked

"Something stupid" she laughed "Not even worth repeating" we both laughed together now catching up to Avery and Rachael in front of us. 

We finally reached my house... I unlocked my door and we walked inside.


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