Chapter 39

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Sikeeeeeeeeee...... LOL im joking Im bad at final chapters but I would NEVER make a final chapter like that. But anyways I just wanted to see y'all reactions to that fake chapter. But moving on.....

Rachael's new appearance on the side


This is a long recap of what happened in chapter 38. If you don't feel like reading it then skip to where you don't see the text in BOLD and Slanted. Enjoy :).

Lillianna POV

I've been depressed for a few days after I killed Daniel. I guess you can say I was still in love with him? I don't know really but after my brain realized that I killed him I killed me as well. I don't mean to ignore roc and the rest of them. It's just that I want to be left alone and just think about what to do/ how to get over it. I mean, he is dead now he isn't coming back... but every time I think about him I start to feel weird. I know he hates me for doing that though, that's why I also feel weird I keep thinking he will come back or sumthin and kill me, so I could suffer just the same way he did when I killed him. My phone vibrated I quickly thought it was roc or something trying to talk to me through text... but when I looked it was Layla.

Sent From: Layla
Text: Prince bit rach and she laying in the living room lifeless. Come over when you get this text, it's urgent. <_<

As soon as I finished reading it I heard a knock at my window. I hesitated to look but then again if its bad person I could just kick there ass I am a vampire I need to stop being a wimp, I killed one person and I treating it like its the end of the world. When Vampires all around the world killed more then 1 person and don't freak out like I am. When looked out the window I saw roc... of course he's the only one who refuses to use a door.

I opened it. "could you please use the door like a normal person and stop looking like a robber who is breaking into my house?" I said as I closed the window after he got inside of my bedroom.

"well it's good that your talking to me now" he said as he sat on my bed.

"really, roc why did come over here??" I asked annoyed.

"aren't you happy to see me at least? Do you not remember im your boyfriend Lillianna?"

I walked over to him and hugged him. "im sorry, I am happy to see you roc its just that im a upset with myself."

"is it about Dainel?" he asked looking at me

"well, yeah but I really need to get over it."

"well you should lilly, but you cant stop talking to all your friends. Dainel did try to 'kill' u in some way, you had the 'right' to kill him before he got to you"

"I guess your right but anyways.... how come you came over baby?" I asked.

"you didn't get the text from layla?" he said and showed me on his phone.

"yeah... I saw it. I was thinking of going over there"

"we should lilly she did say its urgent."

"I guess well let me get dressed then we will leave" I said and went into my drawers to look for something quick to put on.

"ight'" he said and went on his phone while I went into my bathroom to change.

Avery POV

im staying with ray for right now... this is where all the boys live... its decent I guess lol. I still upset about to the 'not noticeable to human' thing I have. But its whatever now, I cant change anything. Me and ray are watching tv when we got a text at the same time from layla.

From: Layla
Text: Prince bit rach and she laying in the living room lifeless. Come over when you get this text, it's urgent. <_<

"we should go now ave"

"but what about how I look?"

"so what ave? its still you.... don't worry about that. Lets just go okay?"



Rachael POV

I swear I was dead, I wasn't breathing I felt like I wasn't alive anymore. Well, I really wasn't I am vampire now and now Im not alive im somewhat dead. I didn't even know this how Vampires felt the girls never complained about it, except for the fact that they were pissed at the fact they turned into a vamp. But I cant complain though it's not like Princeton forced it on me to bite me like the rest of the boys did to the girls. I forced him to bite me so I could live forever along with my friends. Now, everyone is here bombarding me with questions and just looking at me I don't know what to say... because I don't know why there doing this but I know they are worried about me but they need to calm down a little bit.  I got annoyed so I got up and left the room and told them not to follow me I went and locked myself in the bathroom. I know one of them would disobey my orders and still come to bother me anyways. But anyways, I don't understand why they look angry, scared and annoyed because they kept asking me why don't I want to become a vamp and know that I became one they want to get all mad and shit? No, it's done they need to get over it there is no way to make them happy in this situation and I don't even see what the problem is.

Princeton POV

Mind-Conversation: Me, Ray, Prod and Roc
Blocked: Lillianna, Layla, Avery and Rachael


"why would you bite her prince?" prod asked annoyed
"she forced me to do it, and we all knew she was going to turn into a vamp at one point." I said
"but, it still doesn't matter. It makes it hard to do what we have to do now since she turned into a vamp." roc added
"she was basically giving up her blood I wasn't going to pass that down!"
"ok, I understand that. But how are going to do what we have to do now?" ray said
"I-I don't know... it's going to be harder because she just turned but we still have to do it know matter what happens" I said.
"the girls are going to hate us now because of what we have to do." ray said
"this is why we should of told them before we went of to biting them and turning them." prod said
"nigga, how are you going to say that when you turned layla first?" roc said
"exactly we should of told them before 'we' went off and started doing stuff." prod.
"whatever it doesn't matter now its too late for all of that, there all vamps now so were going to have to just deal with it and proceed to do what we have to do" I said
"there still going to hate us though" ray added.
"yes we know." me,roc and prod said.
"Fine, whatever im going to leave now I should get avery back to the house anyways. By the way she staying with us now."
"when did this happen?" roc asked
"yesterday" ray said then left the conversation 
"yea I should go take Lillianna home now" roc then left the conversation
"yea bye" prod said and left the conversation
"yea ok?" I said then also left it.


sorry Im so late.... but anyways what do you think the guys are talking about hmm?



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