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After a horrible night I finally woke up to the sun shining in my face from the windows, the birds were chirping and everything felt...normal...peaceful almost. But of course my reality settled back in and everything came back over me that has happened in the last 48-72 hours and it wasn't a good feeling. I sat up in the bed and looked over to my left to see the bed empty, I sighed out of relief and put my head into my hands and flopped on to my side on the bed. I had a couple of minutes to myself before I heard the door open.

"How are you feeling now?" I heard Rayan's voice ask me "Last night was a lot for you" He then sat on the bed and laid back aligning with me.

I looked at him "Please tell me the last 48-72 hours were fake..." I huffed out "Correction the last week as a whole, just please tell me this is all fake and I'm not laying in bed with a vampire right now."

He raised an eyebrow and then smirked "Yes, your nightmare is over" he grinned showing his fangs for the first time "You are DEFINITELY not laying in bed with a vampire right now"

I groaned and closed my eyes "Put those pointy things away" I then heard him laugh and the bed shift indicating he sat up. "Where were you? I woke up and you weren't here." I opened my eyes to see his reaction

'Keeping tabs on me?' he said looking at me without his lips moving which meant he was using his mind talking abilities again.

"Uh, first I thought I asked you not to do that because it was SOOO creepy." I exclaimed and he smirked "and second, not keeping tabs just asking...its only been 3 days but I'm use to you being in here when I get up" I nonchalantly shrugged

'We went out to feed early before you, Rachael and Lillianna woke up. You know, to give Layla some more practice on control around you guys.' he responded once again using the mind link

"Rayan, please speak normally" I sighed

'Avery, I am' he responded through mind link again 'Just respond to me'

I paused, "I can respond to you? Through my mind?" I was shocked, I feel like I'm one of the last people to know about this.

He nodded 'Since I started the link with you, yes you can answer. But, you can't start a mind link with a vampire unless you are one.' He turned his full attention to me."So try. Answer me. Relax and allow your thoughts to be clearly spoken in your mind'

I took a second before saying 'can you hear me?'

He grinned again 'Yes, I definitely can. That wasn't too hard was it?'

I grinned in response "I guess not...also a bit less creepy if I can go back to you...thanks for being a great teacher" I said jokingly and I saw his eyes turn pink as he laughed. "What's the eye color change about?" I asked but he just shook his head and stood up.

"Nothing...I'll be downstairs with everyone else while you get yourself situated" He said as he walked to the door "I know yesterday was hard but try to be bit open with Layla...the boys and I know how it feels the first couple of days being a vampire and it really isn't fun at all." I slowly nodded and he smiled slightly before he left the room.

• • •


I was sitting at the kitchen island alone eating cereal, the house was pretty quiet but that quickly changed with the boys now coming in. Well, correction. The boys and Layla. I got up and stood at the entryway of the kitchen to watch them interact in the living room. Rayan immediately zoomed up the steps most likely heading to where Avery was and I continued to watch everyone else in the living room.

Chresanto rubbed his neck "Jacob, I swear if you break my neck one more time this week it's over for you...and I mean it this time" he said annoyed "This shit still hurts when I know it shouldn't."

Jacob shrugged "stop running your mouth then" he then fell back on the couch and glanced in my direction "We can sense you are there watching us, you should just come join us..."

I perked up at the sound of being summoned and entered the living room, I glanced over at Layla where she sat on the couch next to Craig and she looked back at me. "Hey, Lilly." she softly said and smiled

Her eyes were still tinted red and she looked to be fidgeting with her fingers as she waited for me to respond. "Hey Lala, how are you feeling?" I responded back still not moving from where I stood. I wasn't sure how close was too much and I did NOT want to start something this morning that involved vampire drama.

She continued to fidget now pulling at her sleeve "Oh, um." she began and then paused slightly. "It's getting better...y-you know thanks to the boys." she said motioning to them "They've actually have been a great deal of help" she said smiled

"Aw" Chresanto said from where he was standing with his arms crossed "That's possibly the most nicest thing you've said to us in over 2 years" he grinned "I'm definitely flattered"

Both Layla and I rolled our eyes in response "You probably gave him too much props too soon." I responded "You are going to gas his head up...and we already know it's like that already" I giggled slightly and he shot me a look while I heard everyone else snicker in response.

"Fuck y'all" he said shaking his head and headed back upstairs to my room.

"Didn't he just eat? Why is he still so short tempered and bitchy?" I asked both Craig and Jacob,

"Just how he is," Craig shrugged. "It's normal for him" I glanced at the steps where he departed and then nodded. Then Rachael joined us in the living room and looked around at everyone until her eyes landed on Layla.

"Hey Lala." she said "Are you okay now?" Layla continued to fidget more and more now that Rachael joined and her eyes were slightly darting back and forth between both Rachael and I.

"I'm fine." she gritted out "Just learning the ropes. Getting accustomed to this new life. You know the normal shit" she said which almost sounded like a growl. "I'd really appreciate it if everyone stops asking me how I am, I'm clearly fine."

"It's okay to not be fine Lay-" Craig said but was cut off from Layla glaring at him "...I'm just saying we are all here to help you through this."

She continued to fidget as she lightly giggled "Okay, truth?" she said and stood up "I was okay until you came into this living room Lilly." she said glaring at me

"Me? What the fuck did I do?" I exclaimed out of confusion

Before I could hear what Layla had to say I heard Jacob talking in my head using his mind link. 'You didn't do anything, it's just your blood is tempting her and she's fighting it which is leading to her being angry. She's fighting against her new nature...Don't take anything personal she's saying right now.' I glanced at him and nodded

"Um, something we would like to share with the class?" Layla asked looking between Jacob and I. "No vampire mind link communication shit while we are in the same room. I think we should make that a rule because if we are going to talk shit about each other, do it out in the open." she said as she tapped her foot against the ground.

"Nobody is talking shit about you Layla." Jacob responded unfazed by her attitude. "I told her not to take your attitude personally." he shrugged

Layla scoffed and closed her eyes trying to calm herself "I'm trying my absolute best right now. Lilly when you came in here you don't even understand how much I had to prevent myself from ripping your ne-" Craig ended up covering her mouth to stop her from saying the next word but of course we all knew what she was going to say.

"Okay, we should get you outside now. You are way too aggravated." Craig said to Layla

"Oh no need, I'm heading out of this room anyways" I said and went back in the kitchen to clean up the mess I left behind and to head straight to my room.

Like I said...I wasn't in the mood for vampire drama this morning...


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