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I walked up to my front door and unlocked it. We all got inside and first dropped our bags in the living room then headed straight to the kitchen. Today, was officially the first day of our week break so we all decided on watching a movie so while we were in the kitchen we grabbed popcorn, drinks, and candy. The candy was of course Avery's idea... We went back into the living room and decided to watch 'Paranormal Activity 2'. 

• • •

Halfway through the movie, the light started flicking on and off. Which of course freaked all of us out since we were watching a horror movie. 

"Lilly please tell me you are just playing with us," Rachael said from her spot on the couch

"Rachael, I've been sitting here with you guys the entire time." I responded quickly "How could I have set up a prank at this moment?" as soon as I finished my sentence we then heard something drop in the kitchen.

"Oh HELL no!" Avery screamed, "Everyone who is currently home is sitting in this room...SO WHO THE HELL IS IN THE FUCKING KITCHEN!" Avery screamed

"I-I really don't know." I said shaking my head quickly. Then that's when the lights went completely out. All of us started screaming and Avery got up to run to the door, that's when we heard laughing.

"Unhand me!" Avery screamed in the darkness

"Damn, you're fast" we heard a voice in the dark reply to her.

I heard a familiar laugh and then my original fear subsided for a second. "Wait," I said out loud and paused "Chresanto, show yourself." I heard some people whispering then the lights went back on and three boys were sitting on the couch. Which were Jacob, Chresanto, and Craig,  "Isn't there four of you?" I said cocking my eyebrow at them and Chresanto nodded his head in the direction behind me where Rayan was with Avery holding her at the door. Ah...so he was the voice that responded to her...

"Can you let her go?" Layla questioned him and he then turned his attention to her 

"Did you forget you aren't speaking to Craig?" he said raising an eyebrow at her "I'm not your lap dog, Layla." 

She squinted her eyes at him "Never said you was, Rayan." she snapped back.

"Let her go." Craig said from his spot on the couch and after a couple of seconds, he listened to him.

He began walking away before Avery muttered "It's clear who's lap dog you are..." he snapped his attention back to her before she raised her hands up in defense "Shit, it's a fucking joke."

"They don't joke," Layla said rolling her eyes.

"Well, geez Layla you sure do know so much about them," Avery said sarcastically "Do you also want to explain why the FUCK they are here?!" she said annoyed "AND HOW THEY GOT IN!"

"Yeah, I would love for those questions to be answered as well..." I said turning my attention to the boys

"We broke in...clearly," Jacob said rolling his eyes "and that's not even important. The more important questions is why we weren't we invited" he smirked

"Maybe, because we don't like you guys" Layla faked smiled at them

"Layla, this attitude of yours today..." Craig said annoyed. "You might want to check it." She rolled her eyes and sat down on the couch away from the boys.

"So..." Chresanto asked drifting his attention towards Rachael while he licked his lips "You girls aren't going to introduce us to your friend?" I saw his eyes start to shift to a different color so I kicked his leg from where I was standing and he immediately looked at me. His glare quickly turned into a smirk and then in a flash he pulled me to my room and locked it. 

"What the fuck" I semi screamed at him. He used his vampire speed to pin me down on my bed his eyes were dark red.

"Remember how you ran away from me earlier? Well, I did say I was going to have to get you since you didn't let me eat earlier... "His fangs were out now so I was beyond scared.

"OKAY! okay! I'm sorry! Truly!" I pleaded 

"Sorry's aren't going to get rid of my hunger" He said rolling his eyes

"But, this time I mean it! Well I meant it everytime! But now I really really REALLY mean it!" he stared at me for a couple of more seconds before vamp speeding off of me and out of the window. I stood up still shaken up by the fact he was going to bite me and ran over to the open window. He was nowhere in sight so I closed the window back and I left the room to head back downstairs.   

I took a deep breath before addressing the remainder of the boys "Now could you guys tell me why you are in my house?" I asked as I took a seat down on the couch with the rest of the girls.

Nobody responded to me and I looked around at the girls, mainly Avery and Rachael. They both looked frightened while Layla just sat there looking back at me silently. 

"What the fuck happened since I've been dragged away?" I questioned everyone.

Layla shrugged her shoulders "Oh...nothing." she said looking back at the boys "They just decided to let Rachael and Avery in on the secret because they just saw Chresanto zip up the stairs with you"

I blinked. "Damn it."

Oh great...


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