Chapter 7- I Need a Party

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“Yeah, so your not a wakadoodle. Just a good girl.” Sannie says in a singsong voice.

“Yeah Nat. You have lost your touch.” I say faking sadness.

The girls and I know that nothing will get under Nataka’s skin as much as being told that she isn’t what she claims to be. She hates being told that she doesn’t know herself.

“I know what you guys are doing…and I totally agree. A true wakadoodle would crash. So I guess what I am saying is- am I coming up with the plan to get in again.”

We all laugh as Nat begins to tell us her plan while we walk down the hallway.

Its 8 o’clock and I am running late. I grab my trusty cargo pants and another one of my Bon Jovi shirts. This one is grey. I throw my leather jacket over and put on some combat boots.


Nat’s white BMW convertible is in my driveway. The top is down and I notice that the other girls are already in the car. I walk out to greet them.

“Go and change.” Sannie states looking me up and down.

“Yes, Riley.” Prissie agrees.

“Leave her alone.” Nataka says. “She looks fine, besides, we’re running late.”

“Well obviously you think she looks fine. Look at how you dress.” Prissie shots back. Eyeing Nat’s purple t-shirt, res genie pants and the big purple flower in her hair.

“Ok, can everyone shut up? If I put on skinny jeans can we leave?”  I shout. Willing to change just so they’d shut up.

10 minutes late I get back into the car now wearing skinny jeans.

“Much better. Now is you would just change everything else as well.” Prissie says looking me up and down. I swear that girl is going to be a personal stylist one day. And a mean one at that!

We arrive at the hotel the party is being thrown at. It’s being thrown by Jasmine but we all call her Jazzy.

The girls and I arrive at the room Jazzy has booked. It’s packed with people and the stench of alcohol is over whelming.  Amazingly though, this atmosphere is just what I needed to relax a little. I begin swaying the minute I hear what’s playing.

You have to love Jazzy’s taste in music.

She has managed to get the perfect mixture between pop and rock. Like right now You Hear Me by Jimmy Eat World is playing.  A few couples are slow dancing. This is a pretty big hotel room. It must be the pent house. I notice that it’s already trashed, I feel sorry for Jazzy when she receives the bill.

I feel someone grab my hand and yank me onto the dance floor. The person uses my momentum to swing me into a hard chest. Yep, it’s definitely a he.

Am I still Invisible?Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ