CHAPTER FIFTY FOUR - Just Keep Sprinting

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One Week Later

The days have all passed following the same routine. Dr. Carlisle has continued to say the same things as before. Things that I've heard a million times by now.

I'm starting to get sick of hearing him repeat the same things. He's closely beginning to replicate a broken record.

I've created an unhealthy attachment to Harvey's hoodie. I've worn it a lot over the past week. I'm pretty sure the nurses and doctors have begun to notice too...

But I'm too scared to wash it or let it out of my sight.

If I wash it, it'll lose its smell.

If I let it out of my sight, it could get taken.

You can understand where the unhealthy attachment is coming from...

I've been talking to Dad a lot in hope that he'll answer, but he's stayed silent. He never answers. He never moves. All he does is breathe and get taken for more tests.

This whole situation is starting to drive me even more bonkers than before.

Tristan has came in a few times, but he works and has a fiancé, so I understand when he can't come in. I still appreciate him coming in at all. He's been a major help with this whole situation, and a major support.

I still haven't heard from Mum. I have no idea what sick, twisted game she's playing, but whatever it is I'm over it. I'm not going to be a part of it anymore.

I'm done with being shut out of her life. Of her choosing them over me.

I'm done with the whole thing.

I let out a long breath, shifting in my seat to stop my butt from going numb. I'm wearing my black Skins with Harvey's hoodie. They're comfortable and give me some sort of normality.

I don't even know what that word means anymore.

I pick my phone up and press the home button.

No notifications.

I put it back down and look up at the ceiling.

There's only so much I can take before boredom takes over. These four white walls make boredom inevitable, but I know it could be worse.

I decide to talk to Dad some more. I turn so I'm facing him a little better. The sight of him with all the tubes is becoming more familiar, but that doesn't mean it's easy to look at.

"I've been reading the newspaper. The nurse comes and drops one off everytime there's a new one. I read it this morning, but there wasn't much in there. Just the usual newspaper-ey things.

"I still haven't heard from Mum. I'm getting over it. I mean, it's been a week and a half and she doesn't have the decency to message me. I want to try and fix things, Dad. I just don't know how. I don't want to be shut out of her life anymore.

"Anyway! I was watching one of those fishing shows you always watch. They were at Darwin, fishing for something. Bass maybe? I can't remember. I kinda underestimated those shows. The host is pretty funny-"

Dad's left arm twitches and I stop talking.

"Dad? Dad, are you awake?" I ask in a hurried panic.

He doesn't answer. His breathing turns ragged and his whole body is lurching.

I jump out of my seat, fear pumping through my veins.

What's going on?

What do I do?

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