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The doctors brought Dad back after his tests and said that they'd have the results a little later, but that everything was as it should be at this stage of his recovery.

I got off the floor about an hour after Harvey called me. I had a shower, found some food in the back of the cupboard and came back. I'm not feeling 100%, or 50% okay... But I have no other choice then to push through it.

My phone starts ringing, and I grab it off the bedside table.


I've got a few messages and a missed call from him, but I haven't been in the mood to talk to anyone. My run in with Alex drained me. I don't even know if I should tell Harvey, I don't want him to worry.

I press the green button and put the phone to my ear.

"Hi," I greet him, trying to sound normal.

"Hey. Is everything all good? You haven't messaged me today. I was getting a little worried," he says softly.

"Ah, yeah. Everything's alright."

"Good. How'd you go at the bank yesterday?"

"The what?" I ask, my thoughts still running crazy.

"The bank?" He repeats.

"Oh. Yeah, it was fine. The lady put the money away so no businesses can touch it."

"Are you sure everything's okay?" I hear the concern in his voice.

"Yeah. Why wouldn't it be?"

"You sound distant. Cass, what happened?"

"How can you figure these things out through a phone call?" I ask, trying to divert the topic.

"You're my girlfriend, and I know you like the back of my hand. Now tell me what happened."

"It wasn't that bad. Okay, well it might sound bad at first. It wasn't neccessarily the worst thing that's happened this week, but it'd come in at second. I actually got really angry and he's lucky I didn't slap him in the face. It took all of my self-restraint not to slap the douchebag in the face."

My words are hurried and my tone is ranging from paniced to angry and back again.

"Cass, what happened?" Harvey asks again.

"Please don't freak out. I'll let you know that I'm coping a lot better than I thought I would, considering the whole situation," I reassure him, sugar coating the truth.

That's a lot of sugar...

"I'll be the judge of that. Just tell me what happened?"

I take a deep breath before saying the three words that will more than likely make my boyfriend freak out.

"I saw Alex."

"What what? When? What'd he say to you? I swear to God if he said anything to you I will punch him. That douchebag. I can't-"

"Harvey. It's okay. I'm okay," I say gently, cutting him off.

What'd you do? Tip a 2kg bag of sugar on yourself?

"It's not okay! What'd he say to you?" He demands.

"He asked me where I went. I got angry and he kept asking questions. I told him about why I moved, you know, straight to the point and stuff... He said some things about still caring for me and that he still has feelings for me. He asked me if I felt the same, I said that I didn't. Then I walked off," I retell him.

"That little bastard! Who the hell does he think he is! Saying all of that shit. Even talking to you! If I see him, I'm actually going to punch him. What a selfish pr-" he grumbles angrily.

"I shut it down. He's not going to come near me again. Calm down, babe," I tell him softly.

I hear him take a deep breath.

"You okay?" I ask him.

"No. If he comes near you again, tell me immediately and I'll come down there and sort him out," he states seriously.

I giggle a little. "I will. Thank you."

"It's my duty to look after you," he says matter-of-factly.

"My knight in shining armor," I mock.

"You bet ya I am."

I feel happier and I've regained some of my energy. This is what this boy does to me. No matter what's happened or how I'm feeling he always manages to cheer me up.

"I love you, Harvey Bolsten."

"I love you too, Cassidy Simmons."

We talk for a while longer, until he said that he had to go because Mish wanted him to help her with something.

I move the plastic chair so it sits right at the edge of the bed. I cross my legs under me and I take hold of Dad's hand.

"So there's some things I should probably catch you up on," I start. "We're second on the ladder with netball. We won our game yesterday so that moved us up. We've all been playing really well and we've improved a lot individually too. I think Coach is happy with how we're playing too.

"School's been good as well. The teachers are being as horrible as ever, and giving us heaps of homework. I think they just like to torture us-" I let out a little laugh. "

That's how I spent my Sunday night. Sitting by my Dad's hospital bed and telling him about my life, the whole time willing him to wake up and comment on something that I said.

But he didn't.

And I suppose that's something I have to get used to until he finally does wake up.


Question: Can you guys relate to Cass? I mean in the sense that she hides when she's not okay and puts others before herself?

What'd you think of this chapter?

I'm also sorry for these last few chapters, and probably the next few to come, have been really short...

Comment! Vote!


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