CHAPTER FOUR - Unwrapping The Wrap

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I feel Harvey nudge me in the ribs with his elbow and I look over at him.

"Why is it called 'The Scientific Revolution'?" He asks in a whisper, trying not to get the teacher's attention.

"Because it's when they started to get the basics right. Like, they started to make accurate observations and analysis, instead of just going off what some guy said 2000 years before," I reply in the same tone.

Harvey nods before writing the answer on his pretest. The Science teacher gave us all a pretest at the start of the lesson to see what we knew about the next topic we were studying, Philosophers and The Scientific Revolution. I turn my attention back to my own test and answer the last question. I'm about to get out of my seat when Harvey nudges me again.

"How did Marie Curie die?"

"All of her work was based on radiation. She worked in an enclosed space without any protective clothing for several years. Eventually the radiation killed her," I answer, getting up from my seat and handing my test to the teacher. He takes it from me and roughly flicks through the pages.

"Have you answered all of the questions?" He asks.

"Yes, sir," I reply.

"Very good. You can now start to read through chapter 12 of your textbook. The questions that you need to answer are written on the board."
I nod in reply and sit back in my seat.

I pull my textbook from my binder and flick through until I find chapter 12.

Great. Another half hour of reading through this boring textbook about stuff you'll never use ever again!

You're doing it for the grades. Think of the grades, Cass.

Fine. For the grades.

The lunch bell rings and I hurriedly pack all of my things back into my binder and pencil case. I practically run out of the door along with all my classmates.

Looks like it's not just me that has a disliking for Science.

Either that or they're all hungry.

Harvey walks up beside me and looks at me with a raised eyebrow. "How'd you know all of that stuff? I'm pretty sure it was a pre-test and I'm also pretty sure that I've never studied any of that crap in my life," he asks.

"Well, Science has never been my best subject so I spend a bit more time studying it. I read about the philosophers a few months ago," I reply with a shrug.

"Right. I forgot you were a nerd," Harvey says, smirking at me.

I glare at him. "Do you want a bruised arm now, or later?" When I say this he lifts his arms up in the arm in innocence.

Doing this causes Harvey's books to drop to the ground with a loud clatter. I cringe at the noise it makes. I look around and notice a few kids are giving us weird looks. I turn my attention back to Harvey and shake my head.

"You're an idiot," I say, releasing a giggle I was trying desperately to hold in.

Harvey kneals down and picks up his scattered books before we start towards the lockers again. I open up my locker and place my books away and grab out a chicken and salad wrap from my lunchbox, along with my hat. Since it was Term 1 we're all required to wear hats whenever we go outside.

Harvey and I walk together until we get to the doors that lead to two different places. We say a quick goodbye and I turn left to go outside, and Harvey goes right, into the Cafeteria. When I open the doors I'm immediately hit with a gust of hot air. I place the burgandy bucket hat on my head and walk down the steps to where Chloe and Rose are sitting. I cross my legs awkwardly as I stand and begin to lower myself, shakily to the ground. I'm in a school dress and I don't intend on flashing anyone. Rose and Chloe break into fits of laughter when I'm halfway through sitting down. I pause and look at them.

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