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After the kiss, Harvey and I just sat talking about the most random things. It was just like normal. It wasn't awkward or anything, like I thought it would be. The bell for second period went so he went back to class, but I told him I'd be there soon. I just need some more time to clear my head.

My Mum's engaged.

She has been for two months.

She's been living with another man and his family for two months.

I kissed Harvey.

I freaking kissed Harvey freaking Bolsten.

Despite everything that I've been told, the kiss is invading my thoughts. Butterflies fill my stomach at the memory of it. How his lips felt against mine. The way he smiled at me when it was over. How we just sat and talked about anything and everything on the floor of the girls bathroom.

I get up off the floor and walk over to the mirrors. My eyes are red and puffy. Something I haven't seen in a while. Something I'm glad I hadn't seen in a while.

A tear rolls down my cheek and I'm submerged back into the consuming thoughts. A heavy feeling sits at the bottom of my stomach.

I did the one thing I told myself I wouldn't do.

I kissed Harvey Bolsten.

But on top of that, I fell in love with him.

How are you going to deal with this?

Have a relationship? Become the happiest you've been in a long time. Become happy because you know he's by your side.

It could end the same as before. I can't. I cannot lose Harvey. If it ends like how it ended with Alex, the repercussions will be worse than before.

Shut it down then? Break both of your hearts in the process. Potentially lose the friendship you cherish so much.

I let out a frustrated groan and turn on the tap. I splash some water on my face and dry it off with some paper towel. I look at myself once more before I leave, and I feel as though I've made a decision.

Head or heart?

What if they're both saying the same thing?

Then you're stupid to ignore them.

I take a deep breath as I open the bathroom door, trying to calm the butterflies that are invading my stomach.

I'm doing this.

We're going to do this.



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