CHAPTER FIFTEEN - Exams and Going Gangster

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"You have 100 minutes to complete the exam, which is two periods. You are allowed to use a calculator and looseleaf for working out. It has to be filled out in blue pen and your name needs to be put at the top of your page," our Math teacher explains to us. "You may begin," he adds.

I flip my exam over to the front page and skim over the questions. I scribble my name at the top of the page and begin to answer the questions.

The bell rings and I breathe a sigh of relief. I read through my exam for the fifth time since finishing, before handing it up to the teacher.

"Congratulations! You all just made it through your first exam! Good luck with the rest of them," he wishes us, before we all pack up our books and exit the classroom.

Oh God. I hope all of that cramming paid off.

Cass, you knew majority of the stuff in there. I'm sure you smashed it!

Either I smashed it or it I failed. I guess we'll have to wait and see!

"How'd you go?" Cam asks, falling into step beside me.

"Good, I hope! We'll just have to wait until after the holidays to find out," I answer as I reach my locker and put my books away.

I grab my hat, glad this is one of the last days we actually have to wear them and wait for the others to get their food before heading outside with them.

"I hate Math so much!" Chloe whines as we sit down in our usual spot.

"It's not that bad," I answer with a laugh.

"That's because you're good at it," she answers in a mocking duh tone.

"We have the Humanities one next!" Rose exclaims happily.

"Trust Rose to be happy about the Humanities exam," Chloe says with a laugh.

"I swear Mr. Kravitz hates me," I add with a small chuckle.

"I swear Mr. Kravitz hates everyone," Harvey corrects, sitting down next to me.

"How'd you go, Sprinkles?" I ask.

He shoots me an unimpressed look.

"What?" I say, feigning innocence.

"You know what. Where did you even come up with it anyway? And why has it stuck? I'm a man! I need a manly name!" He says incredulously. His arms widening to elaborate.

"I think it suits," Chloe answers.

"Not you too!" Harvey half yells.

He places his hat over his face and groans into it.

"Damn, Sprinkles. Better be careful doing that," I say. "Someone might think it's that time of the month," I whisper the last part in his ear, biting my lip to keep my smile at bay.

He lifts the hat off and gives me an unimpressed glare. I flash him an innocent smile before joining back in with the conversation Rose, Chloe and Cameron are now having.


"Lunch! Hallelujah!" Chloe exclaims throwing her arms up. "Now all we have to do is the English today, and the Science tomorrow. Who puts an exam on the last day of term? Like seriously. Our school is weird."

"You've only just figured?" I ask with a raised eyebrow.

She laughs and shakes her head.

"At least we do an exam and have no classes for the rest of day. We can just chill in Room 4 or the stadium?" I suggest.

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