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I head to Dad's the next morning. It's slowly becoming a routine.

Wake up.

Go to the house.

Have a shower.

Go back to the hospital.

Get some food.

Sit in the plastic chair all day and hope, that by some miracle, he'll wake up.

I also have to do some washing. The amount of clean clothes I have is dwindling, and the idea of wearing dirty clothes isn't the most ideal thing.

But nothing about this is ideal.

I unlock the front door and head straight to the laundry. I dump all of my dirty clothes in the washing machine and put laundry powder in the tray. After a few more minutes it makes a noise and it begins to wash my clothes.

Mum leaving me for a year does help with some things...

I go into the kitchen, feeling the need to clean. Some of the dishes are still in the drying rack, so I unstack them and put them away in their spots.

I head to the lounge next. My eyes catch sight of a grey hoodie that's slung over the back of the couch. I grab it and I realise that it's Harvey's.

I pull my phone out of my pocket and tap onto messages.

Me - You forgot your hoodie :|

Sprinkles - What makes you think I forgot it? ;)

Me - Ah...

Me - Wait.

Me - You left your hoodie on the back of my couch on purpose?

Sprinkles - Bingo!

Me - Why...?

Sprinkles - So you can always have me with you xx

A smile takes over my lips and warmth fills me.

Me - You left me your favourite hoodie?!?!? Chivalry isn't dead!!

Sprinkles - Not with me still alive it's not ;)

Me - You're actually the best!

Me - I love you!!!!!!!!!!!!

Sprinkles - I love you moreeee!

Sprinkles - Gtg! Kravitz just yelled at me xx

Me - Wouldn't want that extra mountain of homework :)

I put my phone back and bring the hoodie to my nose. It smells like Harvey.

There's no words that can explain how I feel right now. He left me his hoodie.

He left me his hoodie.

He left me his freaking hoodie!

This way, a part of him will always be with me.

I didn't think I could love him anymore than what I do.

I think I've just been proved wrong.

Nothing Goes As Plannedحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن