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"Hey, Leon!" I greet, as I walk into the back of work.

"Morning, Cass! Ready for a busy day?" He asks.

Since it's the holidays, Leon and Sharon asked me to work a little more, seeing as I have more free time. I'm working the whole day today.

"Yep! Let's do this!"

Leon chuckles. "It's always good to have young enthusiam around."

"That it is!" I agree. "What'd you want me to start with?" I ask.

"I need some help out here, seeing as Ryan is having a day off. As it gets busier you'll just swap between counters and out here."

"Yep! I can do that," I reply. 

I grab my apron and tie it on. I check the list on the prep counter in the center of the room and read through what needs to be done. I decide on just going down the list.

3 × BBQ Trays.

I walk into the fridge and get sausages and hamburgers. I walk back out and put them on my block. I grab three black trays and put two sausages and two hamburgers on each. I put the hamburgers and sausages back and get the bacon out of the display cabinet. I slice off six pieces with the slicer and disperse them evenly. I put the bacon back, then wrap the trays.


I put the completed trays in the fridge, and check it off the list.

8 × Chicken Schnitzel.

I get the tub of crumbs and put them on my block. I get the chicken breast and the bucket of cold water from the fridge and get a large tray.

I set some baking paper down and put one of the pieces of chicken on it. I bash it out flat with the mallette and repeat the same with the other seven. I dip the chicken in the water, slap on the inside edge of the bucket then dump it into the bucket of crumbs. I put it on the tray. Once I've done the whole eight I wrap the tray and put it, along with the water back in the fridge. I put the crumbs away and throw the paper in the bin. I quickly scrape the block with the scraper and wash my hands.

Not many people understand why I work here, and to be totally honest, I'm not 100% sure either. Sharon, Leon and Ryan are amazing people, and they treat me like their own daughter. I love the way I keep busy, though. There's always something to do or someone to serve. Keeping busy keeps the unwanted thoughts at bay. And being happy when I'm talking to the customers doesn't let my real emotions drag me down. Working here just keeps my mind off everything.

"Opening!" Sharon sings, from out front.

"Ready?" Leon asks challengingly.

"Bring it on!" I reply, with a determined grin.


It's 2pm and the front of the Butchers is packed! The whole dining area is full with people drinking coffees and catching up with friends. There's currently 10 people waiting on orders and to order their meat. And there's  a substancial line waiting to order coffees. I'm running between Sharon and Leon and I feel so overwhelmed.

"Cass! Can you put 15 burgers on a tray, please?" Leon asks, looking up from the order he's currently making with pleading eyes.

"Yep!" I reply.

I race off into the fridge and look for the burgers. I look on every shelf, but they're not there.

There was a whole tub this morning!

Well there's not now...

Other fridge?

I push open the door and go into the other fridge. Still no burgers.

Please tell me I don't have to make them! I don't have time!

"Leon? Are there any more burgers?"

"There's not any in the fridges?" He asks, panic written all over his face.

"I just checked both. There's not."

"Shit! Okay. Just grab out the burger mince and make them. But be quick?" He asks.

"Can do!" I answer with a lot more confidence and enthusiasm than I feel.

I grab the tub of burger mince, the burger scoop, a tray, the plastic tickets and the burger maker.

I scoop out 15 burgers and then place one ticket on the bottom of the burger maker. I put one scoop on top then out another ticket on it. I press down on the handle and the burger gets flattened.

5 minutes and 15 burgers later, I'm done. I breathe a sigh of relief and wrap it up. I look back out the front and the panic sets back in.

There's double the customers!

"Who ordered the burgers?" I ask Leon.

"Ahhhh. Alice?" He questions himself.

I grab the burgers and walk over to the counter.

"Alice?" I say to the room full of customers.

"Oh! Yep!" A voice calls.

I watch as a lady steps out of the crowd smiles at me.

"Cass! How are you?" She asks.

I have no idea who this lady is...

"I'm good, thanks! That'll be $15," I answer, needing to get the money so I can move onto the next task.

"Sure thing, sweetie!"

She hands me $15 exactly and I hand her the tray of hamburgers.

"Have a nice day!" I say, as I say to all customers.

"You too! Bye!" She walks out of the store.

I quickly type the purchase into the till and put the money away. I look back up and see that a customer has moved over to the display case to be served.

"Can I help you?" I ask.

The man's head shoots up and he looks taken aback.

"Ah. Ah, yeah. Sorry. Can I get 1kg of mince?" He stutters.

"Sure!" I reply chirpily.

I'm not that intimidating am I?

I walk into the fridge with a plastic bag and grab a rough estimate of 1kg. I put it on the scales out the back and it comes up as 1.08kg. I walk back over to the counter.

"Is 1.08kg okay?" I ask.

The man nods his head and I give him a small smile. I tie the bag up and put it in a brown paper bag. He hands me a $20 note and I fix up the change and give him the mince.

"Have a nice day!" I say.

"Sure. You too," he returns, unsurely.

He leaves the store and I raise an eyebrow.

That was a little weird...

"Cass!" Sharon calls out.

I shake the thoughts away and walk over to the Café counter and start serving the long line of customers.


This chapter is a little filler, but it tells you more about why Cass works at the Butchers.

Also, the weird customer? Is there more of him to come? Or is it just a random?

Thoughts! Opinions! Vote!

Apprecitate it xx


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