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This day has been a rollercoaster. An emotional rollercoaster that drains you. My brain has been in overdrive trying to figure everything out, but despite how much thinking I've been doing, I've come up blank.

I have no explanation for today's incident.

That is what's driving me bonkers. I cannot think of a plausible reason as to why Alex came here.

I gave up after a few hours of thinking about it.

"We should probably go to the house and have some food," Mish suggests.

I nod and jump out of my seat, rummaging through my bag for the house keys. I find them and hand it to Mish, earning a quizical look.

"They're for the house. It's the silver key with the weird imprint on it. There's Dad's room and the guest room and the couches. It just really depends on where you want to sleep. There's a linen cupboard in the hallway, it should be full of bed sheets and things. Feel free to use whatever you want and to have a shower. There's heaps of fresh towels and everything," I inform her.

Mish raises an eyebrow. "Aren't you coming?"

I shake my head. "I'll stay here. But just use whatever you want."

"Cass. You've slept here for the past three days and you've hardly left. You should get some sleep in your own bed," she replies gently.

I cringe at the thought of going into my room. I can't step foot in there ever again. I can't even handle looking at the door let alone sleep in there.

"It's actually not that bad," I dismiss with a small smile.

Michelle puts her hands on my shoulders and I look up at her.

"I know you feel bad about leaving, but he'll be okay. If anything happens we'll be back here in a few minutes. The hospital will ring you if anything happens."

I can't leave him.

It's best for you to eat a proper meal and get a good night's sleep.

I can't leave him.

It's what Dad would want. He wouldn't want you not looking after yourself.

I can't even sleep in my own room. I won't be able to handle being back in the house overnight.

You were in there today.

That was for less than an hour. Even then, it was nearly too much. There's too much that happened there. Too many memories.

He would want you to go. He would want you to look after yourself.

I take a deep breath. My last two thoughts being the only things that register in my mind.

"Okay," I agree quietly.

Mish gives me a smile and hands the keys back to me. I put them in my pocket and gather up all of my things.

A sickening feeling errupts through me as I walk up the path to the front door.

I don't know if I can do this.

I put the key in the lock and the feeling gets worse.

I don't know if I can do this.

I unlock the door and push it open, holding it for the others to walk through. Once they're all in, I close it and relock it.

"The kitchen is just at the end of the hallway," I say.

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