Chapter 55

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Third Person POV

The people of Burgess, one by one, they stepped out of their homes, full of confidence after overcoming their fears. There was not a single nightmare left in the town. They looked up and saw the gang, glowing with all sorts of colours, about to take down Pitch. The people's confidence gave the ones in the sky a boost of energy.

Aidan looked down at them, smiling widely, thinking he was gonna cry. "You did good, Aidan." Darrel gave him a pat of the back. "Now don't get all full of yourself, but if it wasn't for you, we couldn't have reached this far. Credit's all yours for the people of Burgess."

Aidan turned to Darrel, letting a tear trickle down his cheek. "That's the nicest thing you've ever said to me, Darrel. I... I just can't believe that I did that. I'm so proud of them. I've said it once, I'll say it again, the people are the true heroes."

In the meantime, Pitch was still trying to break free, he knew it was quite impossible, but that's exactly what he thought when he first started his quest for revenge, so he took his chances, wanting to do the impossible again. But Sandy made sure that the cage Pitch was in was escape-proof.

Elsa and Jack tried converging, they held their hands together and felt an energy flowing through them, a violent snow storm appeared out of nowhere. A tree was immediately uprooted. "Woah..." Elsa said. And they quickly stopped it before anyone got hurt.

"In all my years... I could never have done something that destructive!" Jack exclaimed.

"And that," Grand Pabbie said. "Is why convergence can be powerful and deadly. Anyway, would the lot of you get started?"

More confident than ever, everyone joined hands. For those who weren't involved, Grand Pabbie and the rest kept their distance.

"Now, focus, channel your energy, you must do it together, everyone has a part to play." Grand Pabbie instructed.

Jamie, Monty, Caleb, Claude, Pippa and Cupcake joined hands too, silently praying.

The rest closed their eyes and concentrated, feeling a burst of energy. It's as if a lightning bolt struck them, which transmitted from person to person. A part of everyone's aura separated from them, converging into a long stream of colours which began to surround them like a tornado and glowed brighter than ever.

They could hear Manny, from time to time guiding them on what they needed to do. Then they realised why Manny wanted them to converge, he wanted to imprison Pitch once and for all, in the moon, and Manny needed their help. Pitch could hear Manny too, he sighed with regret and braced himself for the worst. I'm sorry I couldn't be who you wanted me to be... Pitch said in his mind.

"Now!" Everyone yelled in unison. They felt something manifesting inside them. A bright light shone from them, even their eyes. For a few of them, their hair rose. For others, sparks exploded out of them. Immediately, their energy and power converged into a great big ball. They then let their hands go and channelled the converged power towards Pitch. It circled Pitch and slowly proceeded to the moon. Pitch was immediately weakened, he let out a scream of pain, "NOOOOO!!!" He yelled and collapsed momentarily. Instantly, all the darkness Pitch had brought to Burgess vanished, the trees that died because of Pitch's nightmares were restored.

Pitch, who was just inches away from the moon, looked down at the rest, with practically no emotion at all. He wasn't thinking or feeling anything, not revenge, sadness, anger or regret. He was then sealed into the moon. Everyone could see a shadow of him on the moon before vanishing a few seconds later.

Olaf immediately fainted after that. He wasn't the only one, Tooth, Hiccup, Rapunzel and Cleo fainted too.

"It was a bit too much for them." Grand Pabbie explained. "After all, this is the first time any of you have ever done something like this, something this powerful. It can be overwhelming for certain people, especially non-magic users. Sometimes you just can't take too much power manifesting in you."

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