Chapter 35

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Merida's POV

Kristoff, North, Rapunzel and I quickly headed back after we acquired the leaves. We took more than one just in case. We have some news to tell the rest, and it's not good news. Thank the wise ones for giving us a warning. At least we'll be prepared for it. Luckily we decided to go to the magical forest!

To our surprise, we weren't the only one with bad news. Jack fainted and is ill right now. Apparently, he had a mental breakdown, or an emotional breakdown.

"Well..." I gulped, this was a bit too much to take in. Too many things happened today.

"Anyway, why the gloomy faces? You guys looked distressed before we even broke the news about Jack to you." Bunny asked.

"The wise ones told us something." Rapunzel replied.

"They gave us a warning." Kristoff continued.

"What?" Eugene asked. Everyone sat a little closer to the four of us.

"Beware, one of you will bring the enemy closer to you... That's what they warned." I said.

Some gasped, some fell silent, some looked at each other, wide eyed.

"The question is, who?" Olaf asked.

"We don't know. In my opinion, the warning indicated that one of us would unintentionally lead the enemy to us. We should make sure that we don't interact with too many people here, to be on the safe side." North stated.

"North has a very good point." Elsa nodded. "We should all be on our guard."

"I don't get it, The Nightmares already know that we're here and we know them as well, what's stopping them from showing right on our doorstep? Why does it require one of us to lead them to us?"  Hiccup asked confusingly. "It's not like we have some magic barrier that's protecting us, preventing them from coming in, right?"

"Hmm... Good point too." Kristoff tapped his chin.

"Unless..." Elsa trailed off.

"Unless?" Anna asked.

"They just can't find our exact location." Elsa said.

"I would disagree on that." Tooth said. "The Nightmares rule this place, they can barge into any building they want. I have a feeling they'll be doing that very soon until they find us."

"We gotta hide somewhere." Olaf said.

"How about underground?" Bunny suggested. "Where those six are?"

"Well, we are a big group, I don't wanna give them trouble. They don't have much room." Elsa argued.

"Elsa, Big Hero 6 told us to call them whenever we need help! They're here to assist in our mission too. We're all in this together." Rapunzel said.

I couldn't take it any longer and slammed my hand on the table, getting everyone to keep quiet. "Why? Why must we run?" I asked. "Even if we do hide, we have to face them eventually. Besides, all of us have powers and whatnots restored now, aren't you all in good shape? We just have to be brave enough to face them. Or have you all forgotten about the test? Our quest?"

"Oh gosh why does everyone have good points!" Eugene ranted.

I cleared my throat. "Well? I wouldn't mind asking some help from Big Hero 6 during our encounter with The Nightmares. But running is not the answer."

A bright light appeared in front of us and GoGo popped out of it. Behind her was Hiro and Wasabi.

"Hey! Good to see you again!" Olaf waved.

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