Chapter 5

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*Rapunzel and Eugene are not married yet. This takes place before Tangled Ever After.*

Rapunzel's POV

"Now you'll be a good boy while we're gone, won't you Maximus?" I stroked Maximus while feeding him an apple. He happily gobbled the apple and nodded.

"You too Pascal." I stroked Pascal and fed him a slice of mango. He turned yellow and nodded, sticking his tail up high.

"The two of you take good care of each other, all right?" I reminded.

"Are you ready? Cause I'm starving." Eugene asked.

And then we headed to the forest. Eugene and I were walking towards the Snuggly Duckling. We're actually going to explore the gateway that appeared here in Corona. But first, we just thought we stop by the Snuggly Duckling for breakfast. It has now became a very successful place. Dreams have come true for all the people there, I couldn't be any happier for them.

"Let's see... I think it's a left, then a right, then another right should do it." Eugene tapped his chin.

All I did was smile. I looked around, recognising a few places, the first few parts of the forests I saw when I first ran away from my tower. The tower is still there, it's still in perfect condition. I left everything in its place, maybe it's a memory that I don't want to forget despite how much that happened. I did visit it for quite a few times, remembering everything. The only thing that I took out from the tower were all my paintbrushes and paint. During my free time I would paint the walls of the castle. Of course it was much harder now without my long hair to keep me balanced on those high places, I needed a ladder instead. Now, my hair is slowly growing again, it's still brown though. But, I still posses the power to heal, it's just the magic won't be from my hair. I'm guessing my healing powers are fueled from my heart.

"I think we're going the wrong way, sorry." Eugene confessed.

"Trust your instincts then." I suggested. And by using my instincts, I walked South.

"You sure? We could be even more lost." Eugene said as walked along.

"Well, you're already following me, means you trust me." I crossed my arms.

"Good point." Eugene nodded and held my hand.

It took us a while all right, but we finally reached the Snuggly Duckling. Eugene's stomach was already growling. And it was louder by the minute. Is there a bear in there? I wanted to ask.

"Oh good, I can already smell food!" Eugene yelled in joy.

He quickly walked past me and pushed the doors open. "Garcon, your finest table please!" Eugene said loudly.

"Hello all!" I greeted.

Immediately the music, basically everything stopped. All eyes were on us. One person even dropped his drink. This scene is way too familiar...

"Your highness!" Hook Hand stood up abruptly from his piano, quickly bowing down, his hook nearly poking his stomach. And everyone else did the same. I'm still not quite used to this princess stuff where everybody bows or kneels down when I'm present. To me, I'm just a normal person. This is awkward. For me, at least.

"Please, no need for royal stuff." I said. "So, how is everybody doing?"

"Looks like the place has improved a lot!" Eugene complimented.

"Thank you, please, let us get you seated. Attila!" Hook Hand called.

Attila waved at us and walked us to a table. "We have some new stuff, do try it, it's on the first page." He passed us a menu.

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