Chapter 7

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Jack's POV

"Oof!" I landed on my stomach. I grabbed my staff and looked around quickly, Tooth was beside me but she was unconscious. North was beside her. Sandy was on my left.

"You all right mate?" Bunny handed out a hand. "We had a pretty rough landing."

"We most certainly did." I agreed and pulled myself up. "Thanks Bunny."

"Let's wake up the rest and figure out what we got ourselves into." Bunny said as he crouched down to Sandy. "Wake up sleepy head."

"Tooth? North?" I quickly shook them awake.

"Wha-What happened?" North got up on his feet. He helped Tooth up as well.

"Oh my, where are we?" Tooth looked left and right.

Sandy waved his hands about, getting our attention. First was a question mark then it was the gateway and he made a lot of gestures which I could not understand.

"What's he asking?" I whispered to North.

"You're right Sandy." Bunny nodded.

"What? What is it?" I asked.

"He's asking where's the gateway. Think about it Jack, we went through the gateway on Burgess, so shouldn't we come out on the other side of it?" Tooth explained.

"But now, as you can see, there is no gateway behind us!" North continued.

"Does that mean we're trapped here?!" I asked.

"Quit panicking before you go insane." Bunny pushed me. "North has his snow globes, he can take us back anytime."

"Right, right. I forgot. So, where are we anyway? I can see grass, blue sky, we're still at Earth, right? Just not Burgess." I stated.

"You make a good point." Tooth nodded. "Who knows? Maybe we're in Japan or Australia or something."

I flew up to get a better view of our surroundings. Here looks like a town. I spotted a kid and flew to him.

"Hey kid, can you tell me where I am?" I flew down to him.

"Ooh, are you superman?" He asked.

"Am I what?" I asked. "Never mind, I'm not whatever you think I am. Can I just know what is this place?"

The rest of the Guardians joined me. The minute the kid saw Bunny he screamed. "A gigantic rabbit has come to kill is all!" And he ran for his life.

"Wait, kid!" I wanted to chase him but was stopped by North. I glared at Bunny. "Good going killer rabbit!"

"Excuse me?! I don't control how I look!" Bunny snapped.

"That's weird. If he sees you, means he believes in the Easter Bunny. I wonder what got him screaming if he believes of your existence." North wondered out loud.

"Oh well, let's look for someone else to ask." Tooth sighed.

The first we tried was going to a mini market. The shopkeeper caught sight of us and screamed and fainted. We didn't even do anything yet!

"I didn't know adults believed in us too." I muttered. "Or at least, one of us."

"Why in the world do they fear us? The kid ran away, and now this lady fainted." Bunny asked.

"Well maybe this part of the world is not used to magical beings like us." Tooth replied.

"But if they can see us means we're believed in." I argued.

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