Chapter 54

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Third Person POV

As Pitch fought on, he knew that Aidan was right, his power was draining, but he wasn't about to show it. He tried to harness every little bit of fear he could find, but with the people of Burgess overcoming their fears, Pitch's closest stash of fear was gone. In a distance, streaks of gold sand, dreams, were puffing up to the sky. Pitch's nightmares were turning into dreams, thanks to the people who weren't afraid anymore.

"Look!" Jamie pointed to the sky excitedly. More and more dreams were formed, they were fighting the darkness in the sky. Slowly but surely, light was being restored.

Pitch knew he had to do something soon before he was overpowered by everyone. He had to draw their attention away from him, or at least lure only a few of them. Run? Pitch wondered. Nonsense, you're not a coward.

"Feels good doesn't it?" Pitch taunted, looking at Aidan, Cleo, Darrel, Ethan and Isabelle. "Finally getting revenge on me for killing your friends? Oh, you should have seen the blood flowing out of them, the sound of their bones cracking, and the screams of those that were tossed into the unknown."

"Shut up!" Darrel yelled.

"You've seen some of it, haven't you? You heard, you watched, and you couldn't do anything." Pitch continued.

"SHUT UP!" Darrel yelled again.

"It wasn't just your friends that were involved in the crossfire at some point now then was it?" Pitch laughed. "Oh yes, and once you give into your power, you're no different than a monster! You don't control your power, your power controls you. Plus, the five of you are just armatures, you don't know how to control it, you can easily be overwhelmed by your power, and once that happens, you'll change."

Isabelle bit her lip, wondering whether it was true. Could Pitch be right? What if I do go dark side or something? What if, these powers, aren't a gift, but a curse? I really need to learn how to control it...

Due to her not paying attention, she nearly let a lightning bolt strike Elinor and North. "Easy on the aiming, kid!" North exclaimed.

"I will, I will!" Isabelle replied, panicked.

Pitch smiled, he had managed to gather more fear, thanks to Isabelle. What will be next to provoke them? What will make them fear? Pitch wondered.

"Isabelle, you gotta snap out of it!" Jack nudged, glancing at Pitch.

"Snap out of what?" Isabelle asked.

"Your fear!" Elsa said. "Look, don't worry, you won't end up in whatever you're thinking!"

Grand Pabbie quickly calmed Isabelle down. "Don't let fear be your enemy..."

Pitch suddenly shot up into the air like a rocket. "Oh no you ain't going anywhere!" Jack yelled and shot up as well. "What's the matter? Coward? Running away?"

"Oh Jack, you don't even know half of me." Pitch said.

"Well I certainly know enough!" Jack attacked him with ice.

Pitch deflected it easily. Pitch then said a very quick ritual, which caused large waves of nightmare sand to emerge. It was all the fear of the world. Instantly, it rained down on Jack.

Jack was overwhelmed and he quickly flew away, but the sand kept chasing him.

"Who's running now?" Pitch taunted. "Run, run, as fast as you can, I will catch you, I'm Pitch Black!"

True enough, the sand managed to catch up to Jack, and once it did, it held Jack by the neck. Pitch immediately created a barrier around Jack and him, preventing anyone else from interfering. 

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