Chapter 48

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Third Person POV

Gothel looked a little disgusted. "Seriously? A horse and a chamaeleon? Seriously, Rapunzel?"

"Why have you brought them here?!" Rapunzel demanded.

"Exactly, what she said!" Tooth said.

"The spell brings your most loved ones or the ones that have greatly influenced your life, you wouldn't be who you are if it wasn't because of them." Pitch said. Jamie looked petrified was but also extremely relived to see Jack.

"Which is exactly why I'm questioning, animals?!" Gothel scoffed. "I think I influenced your life much more than these two, Rapunzel."

"Yeah well, they influenced me right, you didn't." Rapunzel snapped.

Valka, Hiccup's mother, looked at Hiccup with tears of joy, for she feared she would never see him again.

"So," Pitch said, forming a sword and pointed it at Jamie's neck. "We're giving you one last chance, you surrender now or we will kill your loved ones right in front of you."

"Unhand me!" Elinor struggled with Mor'du.

"Touch my mom and you're gonna get it!" Merida threatened and pointed an arrow at Mor'du.

"Release that arrow and it'll be the end of your mom." Mor'du threatened back.

Of course, they've upgraded themselves, Pitch gave them powers, how did I forget that?! Merida mentally scolded herself.

"Don't be afraid, that's what Pitch wants us to be." Jack whispered.

Sven had rammed his antlers into Hans, knocking him down. "Go Sven!" Olaf cheered. Hans shot a blast of nightmare sand and pinned Sven to the ground.

"You there!" Hans pointed to Kristoff. "Tell this beast of yours not to do anything funny or I'll kill him!"

"Excuse me?!" Kristoff exclaimed, offended. "How dare you call Sven that!"

"What do you want from us?" Elsa demanded. "You already got your extra powers, what more do you want?"

"Have our revenge, that's what." Drago said. He then swiped Astrid's dagger away. "Think you can hide that? Think you only need a dagger to get free?"

"No, but I can do this!" Astrid elbowed Drago in the stomach and kicked him. To Astrid and everyone's surprise, Drago actually threw up.

"Gross..." Isabelle looked away.

"Uh... Guys?" Cleo called out, looking below her. The ice below her was melting, fast.

"Get out of there!" Ethan commanded. But no matter where Cleo stepped, the ice below her melted.

"I don't get it." Aidan stomped on the ice. "Nothing is happening to me."

Darrel tried to get to Cleo but he slipped and fell flat on the stomach.

"Darrel!" Ethan said. An extremely cold breeze came.

Darrel placed his palms on the floor, trying to get up. At the same time, the melting stopped.

"Thanks Jack, or is it Elsa, whoever." Cleo sighed with relief.

Neither Jack or Elsa had heard her.

Isabelle went over to Darrel, offering a hand. "You ok?"

"Yeah, thanks." Darrel grabbed her hand and helped himself up.

"ALL RIGHT THAT'S IT!" Drago yelled, blasting Astrid but she dodged it.

"Aww someone's throwing a tantrum?" Astrid mocked.

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