Chapter 41

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Kristoff's POV

As smoke balls were thrown everywhere, I saw a few figures appearing out of nowhere, grabbing every single one of us.

"Don't worry, it's us." I heard Hiro's voice.

In the blink of an eye, we were all at the Big Hero 6 underground hideout.

"Are you all ok?!" Honey Lemon cried.

"I am! The rest... Not so much." Olaf said.

"Anna's been stabbed, can you help her as soon as possible?!" I said.

"Wait... Where's... Hiccup?!" Merida yelled. "And Jack?!"

"I'm sorry, but if we wanted to get them, we would have needed to be in contact with The Nightmares, which would henceforth send them here too." Wasabi explained.

"You abandoned them?!" Merida asked in anger.

"But we'll get them back." Hiro assured.

"We're sorry that we couldn't help you earlier. None of us realised the situation you were in until Baymax pointed out on the radar." GoGo apologised.

"Whatever happened has happened, can we just save our friends?!" Olaf stomped on the floor.

"Right, right, Baymax!" Fred called.

North and I went to wake Rapunzel. "Rapunzel? Rapunzel! Please, wake up, we need your magic."

"How do I use this thing?" Olaf asked, lifting up a roll of bandage.

"Give me that." Merida snatched it from Olaf and began bandaging her wounded arm.

"Wait! You haven't applied-" GoGo who was beside her said.

"I don't care what futuristic stuff you have, this was how I was taught to treat wounds, all right?!" Merida snapped. She's so much more aggressive, what in the world changed in Merida?

There were just too many injured people to attend to, not forgetting to mention Toothless too.

Hiro and Wasabi taught us how to attend to everyone's wounds. There were a couple of weird bottles of liquids which I couldn't understand any of their explanation. I just did as I was told.

Rapunzel finally managed to regain her consciousness and straight away went to Anna. Healing magic, you better not fail on any of us. I prayed.

One by one, everyone slowly regain consciousness. Some of us even thought we were still in battle. Bunny for instance, pointed his boomerang everywhere. Toothless fired out a plasma ball but luckily Wasabi's lasers blocked it. Elsa kinda froze North's face when she woke up.

"There. Now, slowly..." Rapunzel helped Anna up. Anna looked around, blinking in confusion.

"Where are we?" Tooth rubbed her head as she opened her eyes.

"Where's Jack?!" Elsa let out a scream.  "Hiccup too?!"

"We couldn't save everyone, but we'll get them back." Olaf said.

"We... We need to go! We gotta save them." Eugene stood up wobbly and fell back down.

"Not yet. You guys are in no condition to do so." Fred said.

"But they're in danger!" Elsa protested. "Who knows what The Nightmares could be doing to them right now."

"Fred has a point Elsa, you can't rush things. You guys need to heal and get some rest." I said.

"And what if Pitch takes control of Hiccup too?!" Merida yelled.

"Let's all stop jumping to conclusions, please?" Olaf pleaded. "The Nightmares have been injured too, they will need to recover as well. Just like all of you!"

Elsa buried her face into her palms and cried. Anna tried to comfort her but it was no use. Rapunzel had to stop Merida from trying to rush out with her bow and arrows.

North, Tooth, Sandy, Eugene and I joined Hiro who was busy tracking. "Hmm... They got smarter, I can't track Jack or Hiccup as easily as the last time." Hiro said.

"Signal problem or something?" Eugene asked.

"The usual, their magic jamming the radar. Your battle just now must have raged them, the magic sparked everywhere." Hiro sighed. "The magic had jammed it so badly until it destroyed the tracker, three times!"

"Ouch... We could like, spread out and find them. Although I'm pretty sure The Nightmares will find us before we find them." I suggested.

"The Nightmares will be looking all over for us, I guarantee it. They nearly had us in their grasp. They'll want their revenge even more." North said.

"And this time, we'll be here, fighting alongside you." Hiro assured.

"Maybe Toothless knows where Hiccup is?" Tooth asked.

"Uh... I don't know." I walked over to Toothless. "Do you know where your master is? Can you sense his presence?" Do dragons have a different type of bond with their master that enables them to sense the person no matter where they are? A psionic bond perhaps?

Toothless looked at me, slowly lowered his head, he looked sad. I'll take that as a no.

"Any other ideas?" I asked.

"We could go back to the underground place where we were held prisoners." North suggested.

"I doubt that they would keep their prisoners in the same place. That would make them too predictable!" Eugene argued.

"The Nightmares do indeed have a couple more places..." Hiro trailed off.

"Where?" All of us asked at the same time.

"That's the thing. It's... An illogical place. Mainly because the way to get to there is using their dark magic. Fred has once been in there, and it just didn't make any sense. The place didn't make sense, the way to get in and out didn't make sense." Hiro explained.

"Is there a specific place where they must be before opening the doorway?" Tooth asked.

"Yes. Back when the tracking devices were still working on them, we managed to pinpoint their last positions before they completely vanished into thin air." Hiro nodded.

North turned to Eugene. "Remember back when we were introduced to what Alternia was, Ethan once said that The Nightmares sometimes create a portal out of nowhere?"

"Yeah..." Eugene said. "Yeah, I remember. What about it?"

"Do you remember where it leads to?" North continued.

"I don't think he ever said that. At least, I don't remember. Do any of you?" Eugene asked the rest.

"Don't worry, we'll meet Ethan and the rest and we'll explain what's going on. I'm sure they have some extra information." I said.






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