Chapter 2

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Jack's POV

"Tag, you're it!" Jamie laughed and ran.

"I'm gonna get you!" I chased after him. I didn't run further more than five steps and a snowball got thrown in my face.

"Nice shot Cupcake!" Jamie gave her a high five.

I laughed as I brushed off the snow on my face. "What game are we playing? Tag or snowball fight?"

"We're playing both." Pippa said happily, making more snowballs.

Monty and Caleb teamed up and charged at me with two snowballs each. I ran and scooped up some snow, quickly making it into a snowball and threw at them. They unfortunately dodged it and it hit Claude instead. (I've checked and these are the names of Jamie's friends in ROTG so hope you won't wonder with the names)

"Time out!" I shielded my face. I could have been mistaken for a snowman if it wasn't for part of my blue sweater still visible. I can't remember how many snowballs were flung at me already.

Sophie laughed at my appearance. "It's a living snowman!" She said.

Jamie and his friends helped to get rid of the snow on me. Thank goodness I don't feel any cold, otherwise I'd probably be frozen by now. The snowballs could have turned my face blue. That happened to Jamie once, poor him, completely blue! Besides, with me wearing nothing but a sweater, I would have froze to death if it wasn't for my powers.

"So Jack, when can we go see the gateway with you?" Jamie asked eagerly.

"Yeah! When can we be allowed to see it?" Claude asked.

"We've been waiting forever!" Pippa added.

"Oh... To be honest, I don't know guys. I would love to go together with you all, but permission hasn't been granted due to safety concerns." I sighed.

"We can protect each other!" Cupcake said.

"Yeah, we've been through a lot more worse than this." Monty nudged me.

"He's right." Caleb nodded. "Oh come on! We want to see it, with you as our guide."

"I promise I will take you there one day." I assured. "I too can't wait to see it myself. As soon and Santa gives the all clear and removes the barrier, I'll definitely take you there."

"Can't we just destroy the barrier or something? Sorry, I'm not very patient." Cupcake suggested.

"Don't do that." I said. "You... Wouldn't wanna be in the naughty list now then would you?" All of them quickly shook their heads.

"Plus, it's a magic barrier! There's no way we can get through it. What do you think us kids could possibly do?! We don't have powers like them." Jamie added.

I knew I had to stop them from thinking more of the gateway. I hate to see them so sad and frustrated not being able to get near the gateway. But rules are rules, I too have to put a face and obey it. Deep down, I am not happy of not being able to explore the gateway as well.

"Come on, grab your sleighs, we're gonna have some fun." I grinned, grabbing my staff. "And don't worry, this time no one will be losing their teeth."

"Not too fast for me please." Pippa said and I nodded.

"Also, don't freeze the roads again." Jamie reminded.

"Now where's the fun in that?" I asked. "No road means no path. Relax, I won't get you kids into trouble again."

"As fun as it is, we just can't do so." Jamie crossed his arms.

All of us except Sophie went to take their sleighs. Sophie was still too afraid to go with the rest of us. So, I did the usual, I built a few snowmen for her to play with. She never gets bored of it, placing a carrot on his nose, a hat on his head, and finding sticks for hands.

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