My phone vibrated, notifying me about a hundred useful as well as useless messages. I click only the messages related to work and Louise.

"I am choosing a blue tie to match your eyes and my dress"

"When are you coming back?"

"Sebastian, why are you not answering me?"

"Babe, are you angry?"

"Sebastian, I am worried now. Did you get the paper signed?"

Then one of the most recent -

"You have a baby ? Are you sure it's yours"

There were several more messages.
I replied to the last message, "She is my baby. Jordan hid her from me. I am coming back today with both of them. I will talk to you as soon as I come back. Love you Lou."

I made my way inside the ranch and saw Jordan hugging a tall man, the same guy who was with Sarah most of the time.

Is he the real boyfriend? But Jordan said he was too young to be her lover. Well, she is a big liar. I could also not deny that she was good-looking. She had a figure that Lou was working hard to have. She had muscles in all the right places. She was tall, which would make men intimidated by her but not me. I could never fall for a girl like her. I liked my wife to be educated, like Lou, fragile-looking like Lou. Also, she spoke like a sailor sometimes, getting on my nerves with explicit and offending words.

I waited for them to end their hug. The guy was the first to remove his hands off her and when he finally did, he caught me looking at them. He said something to Jordan and she turned her face to look at me. She did not say anything or show any emotion, just sauntered inside the house.

I ran after her. When I was close to her, I said, "Did you pack your bags?"

"No. I still have a week"

I frowned "A week? I bought this ranch completely, the house came with it"

She turned and spoke to my face, "Grandpa told me it will take a week before the house is yours"

I chuckled, "Your Grandpa thinks he is living in his time. The year is 2017 not 1950s. I am the sole owner of this house" I take out my phone and click on the mail the lawyer sent me this morning.

I show her the mail, "Read this if you do not trust me"

She took the phone from me and read the mail. She then gave the phone back and said, "When are we going?"

"As soon as you are ready. Just tell me what I have to do"

"Haven't you done enough already?" I cringed at her chilled tone but didn't reply.

Six hours later

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Six hours later

Jordan's POV

I hated that man. I hit the steering wheel in anger again. Sara looked at me from the travel crib while dog kept his eyes outside the window. I smiled at Sarah and said, "I don't know what to do, do you?"

As expected, she didn't answer but she did smile back.

Three hours later

I was coming outside my car with Sarah in my arms and Dog on my tail when I noticed Sebastian parking his Model S beside my car. I scowled and shouted, "What are you doing here? It's my grandpa house"

He smiled and said, "Your grandpa invited me and my parents for dinner. They are already here"

The next thirty minutes were probably the most beautiful moments for Sarah. It was my grandma who held her first and started cooing. My grandpa was next followed by Sebastian's dad who took Sarah in his arms for around ten full minutes and talked to her.

"You were going to take this away from Sarah" said Sebastian who was standing near me.

Sebastian's mom was crying. She took the baby and started crying even more. I felt worse every second. I really was going to take this away from her.

Mrs. Douglas then came towards me with my baby and her grandchild in her arms. Taking a ring off her pinky finger, she said, "I know what you did was not right but I strangely understand you as well"

Sebastian hissed, "Mom"

She gave him the ring and said, "Give it to your wife. In our tradition, husbands gift their wife something whenever she gives him a child"

He looked angry but didn't disobey. Taking my hand, he put the ring on my pinky finger but when he found it too loose, he took it out and put it on my ring finger where there was no ring. I had left the wedding ring in his house when I ran away.

I glared at him but he just left my hand and sincerely said "Thank you for the child"

I rolled my eyes, making him scowl and Mrs. Douglas smile.

I could never get this man. He was bipolar.


A long chapter and a very fast update. Hope you all are happy now.

Dedication - RozaLavigne

Love you all,

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