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Today is our last day in Newyork. I never knew this trip could be so great.   I am having the best time with niall. I do not know why? But when I am with him everything looks so right. There is no place for sadness. Another  seven more days for the trip to end and I want to make these moments a forever memories.  From here the next place on the list is LA. So as today is the last day I decided that we go for shopping so that I can buy something for mom, dad, hazel and sim.

"Let's go for the breakfast. I am hungry" niall held my hand pulled me downstairs.

"Okay" I smiled.

"Hey guys" Brian interrupts us in the middle of our breakfast.

"Hey, come join us" niall invites him.

"Thanks mate" Brian smiles

"Look Brian I don't want to listen to any shit.  So please back off and keep your explanation to yourself. " I shouted.

"Is there something I don't know? Is everything alright? " niall questions me.

"Yes everything was fine unless and until you invited him to join us." I yelled at him.

"Okay. I am out of this. You can continue Brian " he smiles at Brian .

"I don't care whether you want to or you don't want to listen. I am going to give the explanation anyway. " he is looking at me now.

"Oh yeah then I am going. Bye"  I stand up to leave.

"Jamie" Brian shouts and everyone present there for brunch looks at us.

"If you don't sit down and listen then I am going to tell that I love you here right now"  he holds my hand now.

I look at niall and then he says " I am out of this"  and continues eating.

"Okay. Go on" I sit down. I am already embarrassed enough I don't want to be more.

"Why do you think I should not date her?" He questions me and niall is like what the hell look.

"Coz we used to hate her" I answered.

"Not 'we' you used to hate her" he answers.

"No that's not true when I used to tell that I hate her you all used to agree with me. Didn't you? Then what changed now that you are dating her? I know you have no answer because you all lied to me. You all did. And yes I hate her and you know what I am not even sorry for that." I answered angrily.

"Do you love me?" Brian questioned and niall stops eating waiting for me to answer.  Does this answer matter to him?

"No I don't love you " I answered. Niall resumes his eating.

"Then why does it bother you?" He questions.

"It bothers me because I hate her. She was mean to me. She tried manipulating me  against you. She was mean to the whole class and I hate her and I always will hate her. I hope that girl doesn't break your heart." I yelled.

"She loves me. But I loved you. She tried everything to make me fall for her but it didn't happen." He looked broken

"I don't no what she did or what she didn't?  But all I know is she is not the right one." I tried to explain.

"Okay then you say whose the right one? Then I will leave her" he looked at me.

"What? No" I answered

"Brian why does it matter to you whether she likes her or no? Why is it even important? " niall questioned.

"What?" Brian questioned confused.

"See we always fall for someone who doesn't love us back and the person who can love us a lot we push them to the sidelines. Why? This is your life it shouldn't matter to you whether people will approve or not. " he explained and his words hit me hard and he actually makes sense to me.

"I have waited for a long time to talk to her to see her. I don't want anything to mess up between us. I know she doesn't love me but I don't want her to  think that I am a traitor. I don't want to spoil things between us. That is why she being mad at me matters to me." Brian explained.

"What do you think after going back she Is going to message you or text you or hang out with you? Do you think so? No she won't unless and until you make a move from front. So mate be happy with what you have." Niall explained.

"Okay Brian.  Look I am mad at you agree but I don't no I just can't see her. May be you should date someone else and I think I will be okay with it." I smiled

"I am sorry. But I can't leave her." he apologises.

"That's ok" I answered

Are you sure?" He questioned.

"Yes I am" I answered.

"How many more days are you here? He questioned.

"Today night" niall answered.

"Going back home?" He questioned.

"Nope. We are leaving today to LA" I answered.

"Wow that Is amazing" he smiled.

"Yeah kind of. What about you?" Niall questioned.

"We are here for another day and then going back home" he answered.

"Thanks niall" he shook hands with niall.

"Thanks. But why?" Niall questioned.

"For helping me in this" he looked at me .

"Your welcome man. Have an amazing trip with your girlfriend. " niall smiled.

"I will try" he answered.

"Bye jam" he kissed me on my cheek and I was stunned for a second.

"What was that for?" I questioned.

"That means I will see you soon again" he smiled.

"Be careful and take care" I kissed him back .

"Only a peck?" He questioned.

"A peck is more than enough and by the way your girlfriend might get angry if you tell her I kissed you. " I smiled.

"I bet she will." He smiled back.

"Goodbye"  I started walking away with niall.

"No goodbye  because I am gonna meet you very soon" he shouted from behind.

"Go tell her that we kissed" I shouted back with out turning.

It is always important to complete the stories once you started. Once you start the story the story goes on and at the end you realise whether  the story should be a happy or a sad ending.  So mine and Brian's friendship started but it was lost some where and now again I think that our story ended at an happy note. We all promise 'see you soon ' too many people in our lives. but do we even try to see them again?


Sorry for the late update.  I was caught up in some work. Thanks for all the support I am getting. Please like and share my story.

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