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Jamie's pov:

I have almost completed an year here in Germany and I have to tell you all that everything has changed. I have finally learnt to manage things on my own. I often go to meet mom and dad but this time my mom is coming to Germany.  I have taken a flat on rent. I work in Starbucks afternoons and earn. It was so difficult to convince my mom and dad to let me work. But some how they agreed. I am not in contact with anyone from my past except for sim. But we don't talk like before. She graduated from her high school and now studying fashion designing. She never talks anything about Niall and Eric

When I  go back home and when I am out I always search all the streets for Eric and hope that from somewhere  I hear him calling rapunzel. But that didn't happen. It is very difficult to forget your past. And specially when someone loved you so much. But where is that love now? Did he give up so easily? Was it just attraction for him?

My sister hazel. Oh yeah me and my sister hazel share a flat together. She is  working now. So yeah she always asks me why did you say no to him? Why didn't you think about it? Do you love him? And my answer is:

"May be we might meet again when we are a little older and our minds a little less hectic and I will be right for him and he will be right for me but right now  i am chaos to his thought and he is poison to my heart".

But now I think it is all in vain to think about it. He will always be there in my memory. But he never tried to contact me and this makes me feel that he never loved me or perhaps moved on. Sometimes my memories seems to be like an abandoned roller coaster ride.

"When is your mom coming?" Hazel asked .

"Mom texted me telling that she is going to give me a surprise so she might be here anytime" I answered.

"How was your day?" I asked.

"Mine was exhausting. What about yours?" She questioned

"Mine was great " I answered.  I am really happy about the decision that I made and this place, my friends, this profession is just so amazing. Everything is perfect.

"Hello girls" my mom hugged me from behind.

"Mom I was expecting you but not so early" I answered.

"Did you like the surprise?" She questioned.

"Mom I missed you" I hugged her.

Parents are that one thing that we should thank god for everyday. They are the people without whom everyone's life is  incomplete specially mine. They are there for you every time. Just by your side. They are never going to deceive us. They are a little hard, a little strict but it is all for our good. Just understanding them is all  needed.


Sorry for this short chapter. Next update will be a big and interesting one. Keep voting and commenting.

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