I love you.

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I drove really fast and finally reached the airport. I searched for her and there she was sitting with her mother waiting for immigration.

"How can you go like this?" I was panting.

"Eric. What are you doing here?" She questioned.

"I asked you a question answer me first." I was waiting for her answer and she looked at her mom.

"Jamie go and talk to him in the cafeteria ." Her mom advised.

"Eric, I searched for you in the university but you weren't there and I also told Niall to inform you." She spoke.

"Look I love you" I confessed.

"Eric I am going." She answered.

"I know you are going. Please don't go. I am empty without you." I held her hand.

"Where did all this love come from, Eric?" She freed her hand.

"I never searched for love, but you appeared in my life when I least expected. You looked like love, smelled like love,and even felt like love. I don't know where this comes from, all this love. I don't no where to put it now that your going." I spoke my heart out.

"People scare me. They change their thoughts so quick for one moment they tell 'I love you' and ' I miss you' and soon the next moment they will be like 'I am not sure' and this is isn't what I want?" She answered staring at the ground.

"I wish I could see through your eyes,what a view it would be to picture the world as you do. I want to see the worries you bare as only you can face. I want to see the demons that you hide behind your smile. All I am trying to say is I want to understand you. I want to love you." I am trying to put in all efforts to stop her.

"It is hard to explain and it doesn't make much sense. But this thing of ours has to end. Because I feel too much too often and I am too used to feel nothing at all." She answered.  I knew somewhere In my heart that she too has feelings for me but I also  knew that it is the end. Somewhere between a confession and a goodbye I didn't want to have a regret. The time was up. She had to go now.

" I am sorry" She apologised  like a kid.

"I am always soft for you that is the problem. You could come knocking on my door five years from now and I would still open the door wider and say 'come here, it has been too long. It felt like home with you' " I held her hand.

"Eric. I am sorry. I have been so rude to you and you have always loved me. At this moment I am going through a thunder of thoughts but I can't stop now. I am sorry I could never be a reason for your smile." She hugged me.

"Now the time has come for us to say  goodbye. There is no shame or blame to share. No guilt or reasons. But remember this I have always been true to my heart. However near or far my heart will always be with you." I whispered in her ears. The time was slipped from my hand and she was half way gone. She turns and smiles at me and all I could say looking at her was 'bye rapunzel '

My love perhaps is one sided but I don't no why I love her. I might move on but my heart will not. People go but how they leave you will always remain. I am not giving up on her so easily. As I have told before the less lonely girl will either have to love me or see me die. My love is not the kind of love to die so fast. No not so fast. History is made either by tears or with a smile. The verdict will not be out so fast.

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