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So friends just need a good news for celebrating and having fun and my friends also wanted a small party from me because I was chosen as the head girl. But I told them that I would treat them with food tomorrow as I didn't have money.  In the lunch break all my friends decided to go to the college cafe or canteen to have lunch but I didn't go because I wanted to see how the college library looks and I know that looks of the library won't matter to me it is anyhow going to be my favourite place in the college. So I headed my way towards the library. It was a pretty huge library it had two floors. I entered the library and the librarian guided me to enter my name and my class in the register and then to go on with picking up the books. I completed the procedure and went through all the book racks and picked up one book of my subject and went to the first floor to sit and read till the lunch hour got over.

"Hey Rapunzel ". I heard a voice after five minutes.

"Eric". I was startled to see him.

"What are you doing here?" I asked him. I was really scared. His and mine professional streams are very different and he getting into my building library is very wrong. If someone gets to know we both might fall into trouble.

" You remember you told me you will meet me in the lunch hour and I waited for you for 10 minutes and I knew you wouldn't turn up so I came to the library". He explained his reason to me.

"But how did you know that I would be in the library?" I interrogated.

"Just a guess and as usual all my guesses are always right." He smiled.

"Stop smiling. But downstairs you should enter your name and course without that you won't be allowed in. Now will you tell me how did you manage to sneak in?" I questioned him again.

"How many questions do you ask?" He tried to ignore my question.

"I need the answer eric". I snapped at him.

"Okay. I wrote my name and...." he didn't complete his sentence.

"You wrote your name and then what?" I asked.

"I wrote your course." He answered again smiling.

"Have you gone crazy. You are an year older to me in this college so it doesn't matter to you. I am just done with  three days here if something happens and if somebody finds out your act of foolishness we both will fall in such a big mess do you have any idea?" I yelled at him.

"I just wanted to meet you." He replied with a grim.

"meet me and do what?" I asked him in anger and he didn't reply.

"Let me get this straight to you eric. You are a carefree man in your life. You don't give a darn to anything but it is not the same case in my life. Since yesterday all you are causing in my life is a mess. So please if you want me to stay here and if you want my life to be on the right track then please stay away. Do you get it? Stay away. " I snapped at him. Few people who were present there all were looking at me perhaps I was loud. He didn't utter a word just walked off. But I felt a twitch in my stomach after yelling at him. It always happens to me. I am a very short tempered person and when I am actually yelling at someone I don't realise how bad it is but after scolding when I am alone I feel so bad and it was the same feeling i felt after yelling at eric. But he deserved for what he did. How can he be so casual with everything? I had to put an end to this all mess made by him and I did it. I still didn't no why did he take this step?  Just because I didn't go to meet him he took a risk and came to the library. Why? I put an end to all my questions and returned the book which I had taken from the library and left for my class.

"How much did you study?" Taylor asked me.

"Just went to see the library". I answered.

"Did you eat your lunch". She asked.

"Nah, I am not hungry". I answered.

The classes which we had after lunch were so boring the only way I could handle my sleep was by taking down all the points taught in my notebook.
Then my class teacher asked me and Brian to collect the students profile for the issual of identity card. I went on doing my work and he went on doing his work. We neither exchanged a word nor a smile with each other. It was already time up for us to go home and me and Brian had to report to my class teacher and if I go to meet my class teacher then I will miss my bus because my bus leaves on time. I called Aaron to inform him that I would be late for 10 minutes and asked him to convince cap to wait for me.

" I will try jam". Aaron replied on phone.

"Please do it Aaron you know right how far my home is?" I requested and I could see Brian looking at me with confusion. But I know all my requests would go in vain because cap believed in time management. No matter how close you are to cap for him his duty stands foremost. I know if he waits for me then other people would get late so he won't.  I told Aaron to try and cut the call.

Then I asked Brian whether he would give my collected profiles to our teacher. I told him that I am getting late and I would miss my college bus. He was so adamant on Mrs. Jasmine words. He explained to me that she wants us both with the profiles. He stressed so much on those words that I understood that his answer was no. At that moment I felt so disgusted by myself for asking him for a favor. I should have at least asked max or Christina but now no use by then everyone had gone except for me and him. We walked towards the staff room and met her and gave her all the profiles. She took  another twenty minutes to go through everything and then she asked us to go. We walked towards the college gate together but in dead silence.

"Should I walk with you till your college bus?" He asked me politely with a smile. I didn't  smile. If he would have agreed to help me I wouldn't have missed my bus so I was really annoyed by his behaviour.

"No thanks. By now my bus would have already gone. So I can manage". I answered to him.

"Okay, bye". He answered and walked in the opposite direction.

"Oh god I will have to walk so much to reach home " I sighed.

When I was walking I could see Eric sitting on his car bumper and chatting with his few friends when i reached the main campus, and he too saw me. It was so unexpecting. Usually whenever he sees me he would run and come but now he just looked at me and then continued talking to his friends. I felt a little disappointed but it's obvious to get an ignorant response from him. I was happy that finally it is the end and he will never come in my way again and I can be peaceful from now on. But on the other side I don't no why I felt a kind of guilt inside me for what I did to him. But what I did was the right thing I thought and asked my brain to stop putting some second thoughts and requested it to remain still.

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