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I knew Jamie was in Germany but I never tried to contact her because as Eric told it is up to the fate. And now I think that the fate wants us to meet and the universe is giving me a sign that the time has come to give Jamie Eric's letter.

Mom: what are you thinking Niall?

Me: nothing mom.

Mom: aren't you thinking about Jamie?

Me: no mom. ( I had not told that there was a letter for Jamie also from Eric )

Mom: don't lie to me at least?

Me: do you hate her mom? After what ever happened to Eric.

Mom: no I do not hate her. I agree that she never understood Eric's love. But love is not something you fall into with conditions. It was not like Eric loved her so she also has to love him back. Love does not happen this way. What ever happened to Eric we can't blame her. Do you hate her?

Me: no I don't think so.

Mom: she is a lovely girl and it is very hard to find someone like her. So your coming right?

Me: yeah. Just give me a minute. (I ran to my room and opened the cupboard and folded the letter and slipped into my pocket so that mom does not notice. I never told this to mom because I thought she would make me open the letter and read or may be she herself might do it and I did not want that to happen)

We reached Jamie's home and rang the bell.

Jamie: hello Mrs.Kingsley  and hi Niall.

(We answered to her greeting in chorus)

Mrs. Scott: I am so glad that you both came. I was waiting for you both. Please come in.

Mom: thanks. We were looking forward to meet you too. You stay alone Jamie here?

Jamie: no one of my cousin hazel stays with me but she has gone to work today.

Mrs. Scott: go get the juice. I made this fruit mix juice. I am so sure that you are going to love it.

Mom: I cannot wait to taste it. Niall go help Jamie with it.

I walk with her to the kitchen. It is not like we are meeting for the first time but still I do not no what to talk so I wait for her to begin but she being 'Eric's Jamie'  will not talk so I take time to look at her. She is changed so much. Her hair is perfectly let down, her glasses have changed, she is no more Eric's Rapunzel. What is happening to me?  No no .

Me: how are your studies?

Jamie: good. Can you give me those glasses from there?

Me: yeah. (  I gave her the glasses and our hands touched and suddenly I could feel the flame. What is happening?)

Jamie: so made new friends? I know it would have been difficult to leave sim and everyone.

Me: yeah a little difficult but you have to leave behind your past to move on.

Jamie: I agree.

Me: you asked about sim and my other friends but you never asked about Eric?

Jamie: I think we should go. Your mom and my mom are waiting.

We took the juice and we went out to the living room. Mrs. Scott and mom were laughing and talking. Jamie served the juice and I must tell the juice was very different.

Me: this juice is so different. I have never tasted anything like this before.

Mom: Niall is so right. This is really good. Can you give me the recipe?

Mrs. Scott: yeah only if you finish this. (All started laughing)

We all drank the juice and mom and Mrs. Scott were talking about so many things and I was just nodding my head but not listening.

Mrs. Scott: Niall is getting bored. Go take him and show him your terrace garden.

Jamie: this way.

Me: it is beautiful.

Jamie: thanks but my sister did it.

Me: so I asked you about how you never asked anything about Eric?

Jamie: can we talk about something else?

Me : but you and my brother were good friends, right? What happened? ( before giving the letter to her I wanted to make sure whether she knows what happened or no)

Jamie: I don't want to talk about this?

Me: why?

Jamie: because it is not relevant.

Me: it is relevant.

Jamie: what do you want to know? You want to know this that when I was coming to Germany a year ago your brother proposed me. And I told him no. After that I came two to three times home but your brother never tried to meet me. All I did was blaming myself for ruining his life but I forgot that your brother just thought that he could give it a try and he also thought that it might work but unfortunately it didn't. You understand how much a person means to you unless and until you go away from them and during those days I realized what your brother meant to me but your brother was just a pretender. He was a fake person.

Me: (I became so furious I held her so tightly I don't no what happened to me?)
My brother is not fake. He loved you. May be he still does. But you never understood. And you will never understand.

Jamie: your hurting me. Leave me.

Me: if he says he loves you now. What will you do? Tell me will you say yes?

Jamie: ..............

Me: then you have no right to talk anything wrong about Eric. Do you get it?

Jamie: where is he now?

Me: this letter will give you an answer to all your questions. But you promise me that you will read it after we go. Do you promise?

Jamie: I promise.


Sorry for the late update. I hope you liked this chapter. Please like and vote and share my story.
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