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Aren't your ears Back to life? Your ears must be feeling so good after hearing the word rapunzel. Okay now stop giving that confused look. I do not know after how many days, after how many weeks or after how many years you heard about me. But I know in the deep abyss of your heart Eric was always there. Always.

I know I have told you many times about how I fell in love with you and I  don't care if you are bored but you still have to listen. When I first saw you in the party you were so different from everyone there. You were just you. No make up. A pretty gown with nerdy glasses, your beautiful long hair.  Everything was just perfect.  That day my heart spoke to me. That was the first time I could hear my heartbeat. But you went away from the party and all I could have in my hand was your watch. For others your watch falling and I picking it up was a coincidence but for me it was the sign from the universe. The universe told me ' GET READY ERIC TO BURN' . After that night I didn't want to be in love with just the way you look I wanted to fall in love with you completely.  I wanted to know every single thing about you. That is why I asked Sim for your contact but Sim told me that you will never be ready for anything like this But still I didn't give up. I used come near your home sometimes and I used to see you  standing  and talikng on the phone sometimes. I even followed you to the library. My mom always says for everything there is a perfect time and moment and till the time has come work hard for it. So the day I met you in the university that time I do not know why I felt that it was the right and the best time to meet you and start an amazing journey with you. But you being you stubborn as always didn't even smile.

Then because of Sim and niall  we started looking at each other and started having those Small cute fights. Everyone tells that gardens with trees and flowers give you peace but that day when I saw you in the garden the trees and the stars and the silence didn't make me feel surreal it was your sight that made my heart skip a beat. You looked surreal than the moon. You shined brighter than the stars. Everyone could see it in my eyes what I felt for you except for you or perhaps you knew it too that is why you always kept reminding me 'JUST FRIENDS. NOTHING MORE THAN THAT'.

What were you scared of? Why did you   always feign that you never liked me? None of us are right. None of us have the answer. But I will give you the answer. You were scared because  I was imperfect and you were too perfect. But you should have at least considered my imperfection it wouldn't have been a disaster.  That day when you were leaving the airport you were actually taking my half life with you. After you go I  was a half man trying to pick up the incomplete pieces of my heart. You were my full life. You were  my up and down, you were my road and you were my journey. I wanted to win the earth and the sky with you. But   in both of us someone's feet had to touch the ground. I am really happy now that those feet were yours.

So after you left me, I know I should have known that someday you would feel all the things that I felt for you but I do not know why every second after you left was like hell  on me. So when I was in my car driving I got a call from God.

GOD: hello my boy.  Seems like you are too much In pain.

Me: yeah a little too much In pain. I loved her and in return she gave me nothing but a  goodbye.

GOD: so this is the matter.

ME: yeah,

GOD: can I reveal a secret to you? Okay I trust you I will tell. There is another girl who is same  or I must tell the shadow of rapunzel here in the sky? Do you want to meet her?

(Everyone knows except for you that I hate losing and I know love is not about winning and losing. But what do I do? I am nothing without you and I was excited to see your shadow may be your shadow would have accepted my love)

Me: yeah I want to see her.

God: for that you have to come to the sky and are you ready for that?

Me: I said yes but I know I should have told no.
Within a second I was in the sky and I forced god to show me your shadow but unfortunately she was neither you nor your shadow.

God: did you like her?

Me: no she is no were close to her.

God: what? Why not? She is just like Jamie.

Me: she is like Jamie but she can never be my rapunzel.

Sorry. I know the story was very lame I don't read many books like you. Did you understand what I am trying to tell you through this LETTER? I know you did understand ,my rapunzel is smart. Okay now comes the main part. You are never going to blame yourself for my death. And no one in this world can blame you. Everyone comes in this world with the timing of their death and once when the time is written is written no one can erase it. Will you do this favour to me? I don't want you to curse yourself. I don't want you to break yourself. My mom always used to tell me that love doesn't happen with conditions and you just followed it. You have to listen to me and stop regretting please. When I was alive you kind of gave me a little pain by fighting with me and always keeping me in the friend zone. Do you want me to live in pain again and that to in the skies?

It was neither mine not your mistake. May be our fates never wanted to be one. All I want you to do is climb the top of the mountain and conquer all the stars. Conquer the entire sky. I want you to be Number one in everything. Just stay the same. You are the best. You are all you have. Will you do another favour,name your first kid Eric.  I am just kidding. So now when I am gone just carry on , don't mourn. Rejoice every time. Never forget that I am always looking down at you. Never feel my pain and just smile back. Your smile was my everything then.

By the way i am going to be happy here up in the sky. Such beautiful girls are going to be there. And also the nurse who is wrote this letter was also very pretty. But all you have to know is that this heart pumps it's blood only for you. And it will always pump. Too much of science I know.

Here now God has asked me to assist him in all his works  and in return  he revealed me another secret that you will be happy from now on and that someone is going to come in your life very soon who will make you explore yourself and who will set you on a journey to your inner home. Do you want a hint? May be he is going to be my shadow. Okay so when you go back home go meet my Nan and grandpa they will see you and feel great and happy. That night on the birthday they couldn't stop talking about you . I have to go now other wise my boss the God will throw me out from my job. I am getting late.
                            MY ALMOST LOVER
                            MY RAPUNZEL


Sorry I couldn't update my chapter last week. I had exams. I hope you like this chapter. Please vote and share.

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