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I ran downstairs so furiously and i could hear my mom following me behind. I ran to the drawing room and saw my dad working on his laptop.

"where is he?" i asked.

"are you walking in the sleep? your dad is right there sitting." my mom grinned.

"mom you told something is waiting for me so who is waiting for me?" i questioned.

"yeah you are right. Your dad is waiting for you." my mom answered.

"i was little little confused. Am sorry?" i answered.

"that is fine. whom were you expecting it to be? " my mom questioned.

"okay i think you were expecting eric. Right?" she smiled.

"mom its not at all funny. By the way am getting late" . Early in the morning i was so muddled all i wanted was few minutes to my self to think over things happening to me or may be around me.

"If you have finished your discussion, can we give her the good news?" my dad smiled looking at mom.

"good news. what is it?" i questioned.

"come here" my dad called me pointing towards the laptop and he was holding a letter in his hand.

"this is your admission letter from the Freiburg university of medicine, Germany. so finally the dream you dreamt is waiting for you." my dad handed the letter to me.

I knew this was my dream and i know a miracle happened and i am getting to finally live my dream. But.................................

"you do not seem to be happy" my mom sighed.

"are you both happy?" i questioned.

"it is not about us. it is about you. your mum and i know how desperately you wanted to pursue medicine. but unfortunately we got few negative responses from few medical schools and most of the schools had  a lot of fee and you never wanted us to spend all our savings on your studies and hence i asked you to take up this and i remember i was the one who told you that may be god has some different plans for you and now i think god definitely had  a plan for you. this letter is the result of all your hard work. god couldn't ignore your prayers. See it is all up to you.if you want to continue with what you are doing and if you are happy in it we have no problem. we are happy if you are happy. what i am trying to say is its totally your call and your choice. so make it wisely. later you should not regret." my dad explained.

the bus had already reached near my home so my mom went out and told cap that i will be late and that i will come along with dad.

I was in a topsy-turvy condition. my dad was right it is the dream i have always lived for but the truth is i am not happy. i do not know why i was not happy. but i had to take a decision and at that moment i just looked at my mom and dad who were waiting for an answer and at that moment  i could see in their eyes that they want me to take up this because i know some where my dream had become their dream and i cannot let their hard work go in vain. by the way i have no any legitimate reason to give up on my dream. there is no strong reason to stay here. i stood up "i am taking up this". as soon as i announced my decision my mom and dad were so happy. i have not seen them this much happy and their happiness made me feel that i have taken a wise decision.

"are you happy?" my mom questioned.

"yes i am" i smiled.

"are you both happy?" i questioned them.

"we are too much happy." mom answered smiling.

"that means i will have to stay in a hostel and i will have to go to Germany which also means that you both will not be there with me" i sighed.

"this is life jamie. if you want to gain something then you should be fine with losing something and do not forget we are always there for you" my dad assured me.

"i know that" i smiled.

"okay now go get ready fast we will have to go talk to your principal and finish some paper work in your university and you have just three days time to report there but we will leave tomorrow. so today we will finish all the formalities in your university and you bid a good bye to all your friends and you can spend your day with them. is it alright? my dad questioned.

"yeah " i answered and ran to my room to get ready and go.


hey everyone thank you so much for all your support. please do comment and vote for my story.

so what do you think,will Eric be successful in stopping jamie from going to germany or is it going to be the end of their story? mention your answers in the comments below. thanks once again.

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