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She is,

Dusk and dawn,

Soft and hard,

Peace and war,

Truth and lie,

Wild and tame

Love and hate,

Misfortune and fate,

Tear and smile.

I saw her going away very very far. I do not know whether we will ever talk again and I do not know when will I see her again. All I could feel was tears streaming but I didn't cry. Some how I held it. Then I saw her mom walking in the direction where I was standing.

Me: mrs. Scott

Mrs.scott: Eric

Me: ..........

Mrs. Scott:  do you mind drinking coffee with me?

Me: No I don't mind.

We sat and ordered an espresso for her and a cold coffee for me.

Mrs.scott : so what was her answer?

Me: answer?

Mrs.scott : don't tell me you didn't confess your love to her?

Me: I did.

Mrs. Scott: what did she say?

Me: she said I should just forget her and move on and this is not going to work out.

Mrs. Scott: so you are ready to forget her?

Me: no. Never.

Mrs. Scott: look Eric. You are a very good person. You are like my son to me. But you have got to forget her. She will never fall in love with you. Please don't give your self false hopes that she will be yours one day. She can never be yours.

Me: what if I make her fall for my love?

Mrs Scott : though  you make her love you, there are many risks Eric . Why don't you understand? What you are dreaming will never happen. Never.

Me: you are asking me to forget her. How can I do that? I know it has just been like almost a month or two but your daughter has already made  me crazy in a short time. I don't no why I love her. I don't no what made me love her. All I know is I want to be with her.

Mrs.scott : Eric there are few ghings which we always want to grab it.  But if the thing which you want to own it doesn't want to be yours? What will you do then?. Think about this. She doesn't want to fall in this mess. As her mother I ask you to please move on Eric. I am not telling this because I am her mother and it is bad for my daughter.  I am telling this for you. I do not want any of this to effect your life. I don't want to see my daughter's happiness when you are going to ruin your life. Please stop this for me.

Me: no. I can't do this. She is the reason for me to live. She will either have my heart or my death. How can I stop these feelings? What you are asking for I cannot do it.

Mrs. Scott: if you don't agree for this then  i will have to convince you in other way which i myself dont like it. But i have to do this.we all know that sim and Niall have feelings for each other. Don't we?. I will tell her mom about Niall and you know right if her mom gets to know about this she will never let sim meet Niall again. Like ever. Now the choice is yours.

Me: you can't do this. If you don't no then let me tell you I love Niall more than I love your daughter. You can't do this.

Mrs.scott : if you don't agree to do what I am asking you to do then Niall will have to suffer. I have only this as my option to stop you.

I cannot stake Niall's and sim's friendship or love. If I don't agree my brother is going to hate me which I don't want him to do. There are only three important people in my life and one has already left me shattered. I don't want Niall also to leave me.

Me: okay. I will neither meet your daughter nor I will try to text her. But you have to promise me that sim's mom will never get to know anything not at least so soon?

Mrs. Scott: I promise.

I never thought that her mom would make me do this. I know I am going to regret my entire life but I cannot put Niall into trouble. We drank our coffees and went to  the parking area.

Mrs. Scott : Eric. Our heart is the most fragile yet the strongest. It has endured such pain for so long. Soaking in all the tears you didn't cry. All the words you were too feared to say. So they just fumbled at the back of your throat and they never fell out.
At times, it even shrinks and settles in the lonely corner  in the hollow chest, dipped into regrets, fretting over the memories. There is a catastrophe of feelings that our heart confines in home as small as fist. So may be when our heart beats it is just the feeling inside, knocking the wall of your heart in rhythm to set it self free. But what is even more beautiful is that may be feelings are all that keep us alive and so our heart stops beating only when we die.  Not all love battles are meant to be won. You must lose some so you may win with one.

She smiled and got into the car and she went. I got into my car and the tears started flowing from my eyes. I tried to convince myself  that I am strong. But did not happen. It is so funny right we all end  up expecting so much from a relationship initially. We  don't understand that no relationship is meant to be forever. People go but how they left will always stay. This would have been a sad chapter but I want you all to know that we were never a sad story. Forever isn't just a myth. In lifetime some stay in life  while , some in heart forever. And in the end we chose ourselves and that is how it is supposed to be.


So all of you what do you think is it the end of Jamie and Eric or is it  their new beginning.
"There is no starting over, only getting up to begin again".

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