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I walked towards my home and opened the door and saw all of the important people to my mom and dad were there.

"Hey jam" sim shouted.

"hi" i answered.

"hello" i wished everyone present

"lets go out" sim whispered in my ears.

"but i have to pack up and i am leaving today" i whispered.

"Do not worry about your packing. I helped your mom to pack your stuff  and everything is ready." sim screeched.

"okay" i answered.

I informed mom that i am going out and i will be back on time.

we went to starbucks and orders for our usual coffee.

"By the way congratulations you are finally going to live your dream" sim smiled

"thanks" i answered.

"so how do you feel?" she questioned.

"butterflies in my stomach" i answered.

"hey, pretty girls" niall smiled and joined us.

" i heard you are going to germany for studies." he sighed.

"yeah you heard right" i answered.

"so sim aren't you sad?" he questioned niall.

"i am. one of my favourite person is going so far but i am also happy for her because she is getting to live her dream." sim answered.

"aww" i hugged her.

"oh wait u have something for you?" she looked at niall.

"what ?" niall questioned.

"niall" she stared at him.

"oh i am sorry i forgot in the car" he blurted.

"oh god you are a wisecrack. go get it" she commanded.

"what is it?" i questioned.

"nothing" she shouted.

"sim i am hungry and tired can't you give her that when we go out?" he questioned.

"no this is the time. we both are nostalgic now and i want to shed few tears and spoil my masscara. do you understand?" she shouted at niall.

niall got up to go and then sim stopped him.

"no you wait i know when you are hungry you will take another hour to come. so i will go get it.  give me the keys" she commented and went.

so me and niall were alone and i didn't feel awkward because i am used to this now.

"How are you feeling?" he questioned.

"well it is difficult to leave your loved ones behind but i know that leaving them will not go vain, in fact my mom and dad have never been so happy and i think it's worth it" i answered.

"what if you get to know that there is someone who loves you a lot and would literally die after you leave what will you do?" he questioned.

"well, some stories are happily ever after if the love is one sided and when you leave it  without an end. i will always respect that person but can never jeopardise with my dream" i answered.

"why are your dreams so important to you?" he questioned.

"because it is imporatant to my mom and dad" i answered.

"well you know what your answers make me like you even more." he answered.

"well thank you" i answered.

"by the way give my regards to your mom" i smiled

"even to your nan " i paused

"yeah and also tell your grandfather it was very nice meeting  him" i stopped

"and" i uttered

"nothing" i said

"do not worry i will give your regards to eric also" niall answered.

"tell him goodbye" i spoke.

" here it is " sim gave me a big collage

"wow when did you do this? it is so beautiful." i was really happy seeing the collage.

"thanks.Me and niall did it together" she replied.

"thanks" i smiled at niall he smiled too.

"okay now let us go. you are getting late." sim commanded

"what time is your flight?" niall questioned

"tonight at 8:00 " i answered.

" i will miss you jam" sim she dfew tears like she told.

"i will miss you too " i hugged her.

" i will miss you too " niall felt left out and then we had a group hug.

well it is not that easy to tell goodbye to the people whom you love. for me it was too difficult because i had very few people whom i loved. this love either makes a journey or breaks a journey. Let's see what does love do to my journey. Will it make it or break it?

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