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Eric's pov:

The less lonely girl was seated in my car and nothing could be more exhilarating than this. But silence between us was building up so high that if i don't break it now than the silence would be the only thing existing between us through the  entire road.

Me: i was just thinking.....

Her: thinking what?

Me: if faith would have been fortunate on us that halloween night everything between me and you wouldn't have been the same. Would it?.

Her:what all things? If it is a riddle than not in mood.

Me: i mean to tell that on that night if you would have danced with me than we would have become friends and we wouldn't have encountered a big argument and a big chunk of ice between us.

Her: i understand. But frankly speaking a dance with you wouldn't have changed a single thing about the ice between me and you. This wall between us once built is difficult to be broken. Like ever.

Me: okay good that you showed me a red light and stopped me from making a friendship alliance.
She smiled and seeing her smile my heart skipped a beat.

Me: can you call the police for me?

Her: police, what happened?

Me: i just misplaced something?

Her: what?

Me: my heart?

Her: heart?

Me: yes i misplaced my heart seeing you smile.

Her:this is the  horrendous pick up line i have ever heard. You use this line on every girl, don't you?

Me: no i don't. In fact this is the new line tried on rapunzel.

Her: .........

Me:  have i committed such a big crime that i don't even deserve a thank you?

Her: i hear my words echoing.

Me: i am serious you have a silent pretty smile. Keep smiling it looks good on you.

Her: if it wouldn't have been for sim, i wouldn't have been with you. I don't think after this i would be meeting you.

Me: meeting , drifting apart everything is in our destiny. If the destiny wants us to meet again we will definitely meet even though we don't want to.

Her: we make our own destiny

Me: we try to handle and balance our destiny but it is written off in the skies.

Her: when you are keen you ought to change your destiny and i know you are ready with some other point to debate on, but i always get the last words so if you want to head for another big argument then am ready with my sword.

Me: i lay my armour down, my lady.

Her: i spare your life .

She again smiles. Then i realize that i have fallen for her so badly that its her smiling face keeps flashing in my eyes while i am driving. I know she will never fall for me the way i have fallen but i am ready to risk it all for her.

Me: forensic ha.

Her: yup.

Me: chance or choice?

Her: chance.

Me: chance?

Her: actually i wanted to be a doctor but by a narrow margin i couldn't get through and the management demanded a lot of money and i didn't want my parents to spend their life savings just to fulfill my dream. So dad told to go with forensic that is how this chance happened.

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