Good girl goes rogue

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(Chapter 27)

*Alyssa's POV*

I bit into my cheeseburger and ran my fingers through my tangled and messy brown hair. "Girl, what you need is the gym" Sydney suggested and sipped her diet coke. "The gym? Syd, you usually give the best advice, etc,etc but I'm not so sure right now. I'm trying to get my parents to let me go to Venice, the last thing I need is a workout." "And it's just so not fair that you eat so much and don't get fat" She grumbled with a pout and started texting someone on her i- phone. I sighed and threw the rest of my burger in the bin, not hungry. It was the second weekend of March and I kept avoiding Adrian's questions if it was confirmed that we were going to Venice. How much longer would my 'I have to go to the bathroom, catch you later' excuse work? He probably had the impression that I got constipation now.  Sydney and I were strolling back to my house while eating our takeaway.


"What if you runaway?" Sydney proposed and I propped myself on my elbows, gazing at her. "Really? Runaway? Do you think I'd even consider that?" I rolled my eyes and lay back on the bed. "I can't believe, this is one of the rare weekends that my mum and dad are home, and I'm up here thinking of ways to cajole them into letting me go to Venice" I groaned and listened to the loud din of the TV. Whenever they were home, they were eating, sleeping or watching TV. There was a knock on my door and I bolted upward as my mother entered. "Hey, Mrs. Payton" Sydney greeted. Yes, she called my mum that, it wasn't like other best friends who called their bestie's mom, 'Mom', too. I barely got time to know my parents how would Sydney? I immediately touch my face consciously and straighten a pillow, not used to my parents coming into my room. Out of the corner of my eye I saw a Venice map, almost falling off the wall. 

"Hi, Sydney. Honey, I need to speak to you" My stomach lurched at those words. Did she find out that I got 80 in Calculus last month? Or did she find out that I only studied for three hours today before lunch? "What is it?" I asked, trying to suppress my guilt. She pursed her lips. "Your father and I have to go out for work again honey. For a week, this time. I know it's longer than usually but, it's important." I pushed down my frustration and gave a shrug before plonking down on the bed again. "We'll be going to Chicago on the 27th March and coming in April. Look, Aly, I-I'm sorry. Your father and I are sorry that we'll be leaving you alone for so long but, we.. Trust you'll be a responsible girl. Call Sydney's mum, Mrs. McKedna, if you need anything." She explained and bit her lip. I nodded slowly and she left the room, shutting the door behind. 

"Well, that was awkward. For me at least" Sydney laughed and went back to stalking "hot" guys on Instagram. "OMG, Aly, what's this guy's name? Arthur Grace. Wow, he's got abs like... Wait how did I end up on his page? He's Adrian's cousin's best friend's ex's ex." I wasn't paying attention and she poked me in the ribs when I didn't reply. "Oi, are you listening?" "Huh, yeah. Um no actually. Syd, I never thought I'd say this but-" I began slowly. "Say what, You want a manicure?" She burst out. "No, that-" "That you you want to go for a work out session with me?" She interrupted. "No, Syd, I was thinking about-" "About, admitting your undying love for my boyfriend's best friend?" I growled in annoyance. "Sydney Mc.Kedna, shut the hell up and let me speak. A) I don't have undying love for Adrian." She arched an eyebrow and I flushed. "Don't look at me like that! Anyways, my parents.. They're going out and they won't be here if.. I go to Venice." I said slowly, still calculating the risks I was taking with the plan.

"Whoa, Whoa. Are you thinking what I'm thinking" Sydney tossed her phone down and stared at me with wide eyes. "Yes" I grinned, who knew being badass was this exciting. "Wait, we're thinking the same thing right?" Sydney asked with narrow eyes, putting her hand to my forehead to check my temperature. "Syd, I'm not sick. It's just.. I'd do anything for Venice." I was talking about the place and my sister. "Well, that's it then. My best friend has gone rogue." Sydney announced but high- fived me with a mischievous smile.


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Media as Adriana Lima


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