My phone begins vibrating on the table again and this time, it's a call. The number's showing, but it hasn't yet been added to my phone contact list.


"Hello there," and I'm greeted by an English sounding accent. I almost think it's Harry for a second, though the accent varies quite significantly. Scarlett looks at me and mouths, 'Who is it?' and I shrug.

"Sorry, I don't mean to be rude, but who is this?"

I can essentially sense the person on the other line smiling,

"It hasn't even been a full twenty-four hours and you've already forgotten me. Or was it just the copious amounts of alcohol you consumed?" he asks.

Ugh. Max.

"I was calling because I have something of yours," he goes on.

"And what would that be, Max?" I question, with annoyance laced in my tone.

I hear Scarlett sigh in the background as it's now confirmed who's on the other line.

"You left your driver's license with me last night," he informs me.

So that's where it went!

"You mean you took my driver's license from me?" I accuse.

"Details, Details," he excuses, as though it doesn't matter.

"How did you even get my number?" I ask.

He ignores my question.

"So when did you want me to drop it off to you? I'm assuming you're still at the same address that's written on your license here," he states, with an air of smugness.

That bástard.

"I'll be home in an hour," I begrudgingly answer.

"Oh, and Ava?" he says, "I told you we'd be seeing each other again soon."

And he hangs up before I have a chance to reply. What an äss!

I explain to Scarlett what was said, and her jaw almost drops to the floor.

"Oh honey! He so has it in for you," she exclaims. "It's so obvious that he planned to take your ID with him so he'd have an excuse to see you again! Touché' might I add."

"I highly doubt that. I think he has better things to do with his time than to chase after me. Like bribing people and thinking of ways to be more arrogant and annoying." I reply, smirking at my own joke.

"So what are you going to say to Poppy?" she enquires.


"Nothing?" she asks, sounding openly disappointed. "Not even an elusive indirect on Twitter that's obviously directed at her?"

I laugh. "Poppy doesn't' deserve my time. She'll probably turn it around again and write another article about it. Let's not give her any more energy or attention. It's so obvious that's what she wants."

It takes a little while to convince Scarlett that by doing nothing, we win, and eventually I get back in the car to return home. I'm slightly nervous at the prospect of seeing Max again, and breathe a sigh of relief to see there are no unfamiliar cars parked near my house. I need some time to prepare myself to be faced with him again. He's just that kind of person - and not in a good way. This time I don't have liquid courage to face him, and it doesn't help having only recently learned of his aristocratic blood. 

Just take the license politely and it will all be over with.

Some time passes, and the doorbell dings, and I quickly yell out that I'll answer it. Sure enough, I have a smug looking Max at my doorstep. It feels rather strange to see him out of his suit, and he's dressed in some tan shorts with a white button down shirt. He pulls this look off quite well, and I'm a little taken aback. He's holding my driver's license in his hand and I go to take it, but he swiftly yanks it out of my reach.

"Don't I get a thank you, first? You haven't even invited me inside," he smiles tauntingly, looking beyond me and inside my house. I try to block his view and close the door slightly.

I roll my eyes. "You're not coming inside. Now can I have my ID back or not?"

It's getting to the point where I'm quite willing to call it a loss, and just order a new one. This is so not worth the trouble of playing into Max's mind games, or begging for it back.

"Ava?" I hear my mother call out in the background. "Is that somebody at the door?" she asks, and I can hear her steps getting closer.

"It's okay, I've got it," I repeat, and yet she stops in her tracks when she sees Max at the door.

"Oh hello," she says cheerfully, "You a friend of Ava's?" she enquires.

"Yeah, you could say that," he says, while grinning at me. "Have you invited..." and she draws out her sentence so Max can introduce himself.

He reaches out to shake my mothers hand. "Nice to meet you. I'm Max. Max Beaumont," he tells her.

I see the blood drain from her face as she turns almost as white as a sheet.

What is going on?

"I'm sorry," He replies politely. "Do we know one another?"

And almost in slow motion, my mother's eyes close and her muscles give way as she faints, and is luckily caught by Max who prevents her from hitting the floor.

"How do you know my mother, Max? What the fúck is going on?"

Question of the chapter: If you were Ava, would you have tweeted anything about Poppy, and if so, what would you have wrote? Does anyone also have any ideas about why Ava's mother may have fainted at the sight of Max? Besides of course the fact that he's played by Alex Pettyfer ;)

Please make sure you've voted, and that you're following me on social media for any updates!

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Instagram: gemma.allan
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