Chapter 14 - Hidden lies

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"Ain't that a sight? With all the things we know and learn, we still ain't touched the big mysteries - where we come from, where we go next, why we are even here. And when something truly miraculous happens, we run and hide in our caves. We deny." - Libba Bray

*Itachi's POV*

I slammed the door open to Pein's office. The panic within me was too strong even though I won't ever admit it. I kept my face straight but my body was sightly trembling. Uchihas are not worried, Uchihas do not feel love, I repeated in my mind hoping that my brain will get along but I knew that I was lying to myself. It was all my fault. If something happens to her, I won't be able to ever forgive myself. I've done enough in my past, I lost a lot of people by taking a tough choice and now... I blindly let myself prey to the anger and jealousy. No, Uchihas can't feel jealousy. Posessivness? Maybe. But never jealousy.

"Leader-sama, Haruno is missing. I found a strain of blood not far away from the base." I said not letting my face showing my emotions. Within me was a battle. She is in some filthy hands and here I am reporting a personal concern to someone that can't do anything about it.

Pein's purple eyes pierced into my onyx ones. I grew more impatient with every passing second.

"Itachi, she was your responsibility. I already didn't like that much your decision on allowing her into this organization without joining. For all I know, she could send informations to Konoha." he said laying back on his chair. His face was emotionless.

"She dosen't hold any important information about the organization. I kept her away from the beasts that you already collected and away from any scroll." I told him. I smirked inside. He's worried that Konoha would get informations about Akatsuki. Oh, the irony. If he only knew...

"Good. Then I don't have a reason to be concerned about your pinkette. But tell me, Itachi... What is the reason that you wanted her here in the first place?!" I closed my eyes inhaling sharply. How could I tell him that I do this to stop Sasuke from attacking Konoha after he finds out the truth?! It can't be avoided, he will find out after my death seeking revenge on the village that I swore to protect.

I smirked.

"Can't a man satisfy his needs sometimes?" he just watched my eyes closely. I made sure that I hide any emotion keeping my face straight. He smirked.

"I see... Well, it may be an issue the fact that she knows where our main base is located and we can't move the Gedo statue in such a short time. I will assign Akira to track her since she's a sensorial ninja."

"Hai." I turned around, grabbing the handle and being ready to leave when I heard him calling me again.

"One more thing, what are you gonna do with her after you're finished with... your business?!" he asked me.

I tightened my grip on the handle, my back still facing him.

"I will kill her." I answered coldly.

"Let's hope that she will serve as a bait for the Jinchuuriki too until then. Dimissed." I stormed out of the office. I activated my Mangekyou Sharingan without thinking.

*Sakura's POV*

Kabuto tried to feed me but I turned my head, refusing.

"Now, now, little Cherry Blossom. You need to eat. I don't want you to starve before I make the plan on how to get the Uchihas." he said with his usual smirk on his stupid face.

"You won't. Itachi is smart. He defeated Orochimaru without even forcing his muscles and Sasuke..."

I bit my lower lip. What do I know about Sasuke, honestly?! He changed so much. He became colder, thirsty for revenge and blood. You could see it in his eyes. There was no mercy left, no kindness.

"And Sasuke killed Lord Orochimaru but I absorbed him in me." I gasped. Wh-what? He got closer and took his glasses off. In the dim light I could see his yellow snake-like eyes.

"He sees and hears everything through me but he has no power over my body." I felt the sweat forming on my forehead. He stepped back and set the silver tray on the floor.

"Sadly, I don't posess the Sharingan which is the main toll in my plan but soon I can have two pairs of it thank's to you, my dear." he licked his lips with his snake tongue. My body started to tremble.

He left the room, slammimg the metal door shut.

I sobbed. I wanted to go home. How did everything turned so complicated?!

*Itachi's POV*

Akira came out of Pein's office grabbing my arm and getting too close to my face.

"Itachi-kun, we will go together on a mission to take back the bitch." she said in her girly annoying voice. The way she talked about Sakura irritated me but I couldn't lose my control.

Konan passed by sending her a deadly glare. I could feel Akira shivering. Konan wasn't something to mess with when it came to people that she cared about and she and Sakura became very close.

As we were out of the base's perimeter, I led her to the tree where I found the blood that I assumed was hers.

Akira closed her eyes and made some hand seals. The silence was eating me alive, although usually I enjoyed it.

She snapped her eyes open.

"It's her chakra. She went that way. She pointed to the right."

As I was about to leave, she grabbed my arm.

I turned my head towards her, looking her dead in the eyes with my Mangekyou spinning. I didn't have time for this. Every passing second could bring Sakura's death.

"What is it?" I asked, venom dipping from my voice.

"I also sensed another chakra. It was... Orochimaru." my gaze on her hardened. I gripped her shoulders tight. She squealed.

"Then you better stop wasting my time and lead the fucking way." as soon as I realized that I overreacted I mentally slapped myself. I couldn't let my emotions take over like this, not when someone was around. I released her.

I turned my back to her and I started running and jumping through branches.

She caught up with me soon enough.

"Itachi-kun?" she asked, her voice full of sorrow? Guilt? I couldn't really tell, not that I care anyway, I just waited for her to continue not bothering to look at her. My goal was to bring Sakura back safe and sound. I sped up.

"What does she mean to you?" she asked me, he voice breaking.

"She means nothing to me." I answered straight away getting rid of any suspicion. Her face lit up. I rolled my eyes.

Nothing, huh?!

Forbidden (ItaSaku) - Book 1Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora