Chapter 7 - A strange feeling

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"Memories warm you up from the inside. But they also tear you apart."

*Itachi's POV*

She was sleeping soundly as she blew air through her thin, parted lips. Her delicate skin was covered in sweat droplets. I sat up from my comfortable position on my couch, I sat on the edge of the bed and I removed some strands of pink hair from her face. She looked so paceful yet so fierce. She tightened the grip on the blanket, mumbling something in her sleep. Perhaps she was dreaming of her old life back in Konoha, where her family was. Were they looking for her? Were they worried?

I got up from the bed, leaving the room silently and carefully not to wake her up. She deserved a good sleep after the fight.

I got out of the hideout, breathing in the fresh air. It was full moon and the stars were shining on the dark sky. It was silent. The only thing that could be heared was the wind blowing through leaves. I sat on the grass, my elbows resting on my knees. I thought about the fact that tonight is the best time to start my plan. I have to help Sasuke and the village. I can't let him get revenge on everything that I wanted to protect along with his life. I sighed.

*Time skip. Next morning*

*Sakura's POV*

I heard some voices through the wooden door, coming from outside the room. I could barely identify them. My head was pounding and even though I almost regained my full chakra, my body still hurt. Inside the room, was pitch black. I tried to get out of bed but I groaned in pain.

"Hidan, lower your voice, she's still sleeping.". 

"Whatever, Uchiha. Just to let you know that the annoying brat came back from her mission with Tobi."

I heard some footsteps fading. Soon, the door was opened and I covered my eyes from the sudden change.

Too much light.

"How are you feeling?" Itachi's raspy voice echoed through the room.

"My body still hurts but I guess that I can heal it myself."

He nodded. He came closer to me, leaving the door open, the only source of light.

"Arigato, Itachi-kun. F-for helping me." he stared deep into my green orbs like he could read into my brain. His mesmerizing black eyes were enough to hypnotize me. He didn't even need a genjutsu. I mentally slapped myself, afraid that he could read my mind. I blushed at the thought.

Suddenly, I felt like choking and I put my hand in front of my mouth to avoid spreading germs while coughing.

From my mouth came out three black feathers. My eyes widened.


My eyes watered. My throat felt dry and sore.

Itachi took a glass of water from the table and handed it to me. I drank quickly, a small drop of water trickling down from the corner of my mouth. Itachi cleared it with his thumb, his eyes piercing mine. The small space between us made my heart take a leap in my ribcage. He was so gorgeous and so unlike Sasuke. I felt comfortable around him and... Safe. A thing that I never felt before around anyone. I gulped.

"I... I think I swallowed these during the fight." I laughed nervously, scratching the back of my head and trying to get rid of my unusual thoughts.

"I have a mission today, I want you to come with me. It will be safer for you if you stick around." he said without noticing my nervouness.

"I-i... Sure..."

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