Chapter 1 - The red clouds

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*Sakura's POV*

''Sakura-chaaan'' I heard Naruto's voice calling me for the sixth time this morning. I sighed turning to him as he approached me, running.

''What is it, Naruto?'' I asked, facing his deep blue eyes. He wore his usual big grin and his hands were behind his head. I don't know why but I always found this thing funny about him.

''Granny Tsunade wants you to stop by her office. She said she had an important mission for you and me and Kakashi-sensei can't come.'' he pouted. Hmm, I already knew about that but I was kinda disappointed too that they couldn't come with me. I have so much fun when they are around.

''Yes, Shizune said something about medical supplies the other day. Anyway, I'm not gonna make Tsunade shishou wait. I'll see you when I'm back, Naruto.'' I started sprinting towards Tsunade office waving my hand at Naruto. He stood there perplexed by my sudden excitement. As I walked through the long corridor I met Kakashi-sensei. He was walking, hands in his pocket, at least this time he wasn't reading that stupid book. He smiled through his mask and stopped in front of me.

''In a hurry today, aren't we?''

''Yes, Lady Hokage said that she has a mission for me.'' I answered excited.

''Yes, Naruto told me. He was very disappointed. Well, good luck! We will see you tomorrow morning.'' he said reminding me that we have to join a merchant in his journey to The Wave country.

''Thank you, Kakashi-sensei!'' I said as I waved and started to head for the Hokage's office.

I stopped in front of the Hokage's office knocking twice.

''Come in!'' Tsunade voice boomed through the door.

I opened it slowly and stepped in. There were Tsunade and Shizune who was holding Ton Ton.

''Ah, Sakura. Just in time. As you may know from Shizune, we are running out of medical plants. I made a list for you to go and find those plants. You are the best medical ninja so I trust that you won't mess up.''

She handed me the list. It was quite a long one.

''It shouldn't take me long, a day maybe but no longer. I know exactly where to find almost each one of them.'' I said as  read it. Even though there were many plants, I knew exactly where to find them only because I liked to read a lot of medical books in my free time and explore the woods by myself.

''You can go now!'' she said in her demanding and bossy voice.



I went home and packed some kunais for my short trip outside the village. It was already noon. I took my small backpack and I went downstairs. I was greeted by my mom who prepared lunch but I had no time to eat now so I decided to take it with me.

''Here, sweetie. You must eat before." she said in her lovely voice.

"Mom, I have no time. Can you pack it? I'll take it with me and I'll eat when I'll decide to take a break."

"Sure, honey." she said preparing it. She was awful lively today.

''Thank you, mom!'' I kissed her on the cheek then I headed out.

"Try to be home by 11." I heard her screaming behind me. I giggled. Always so worried, even after I became a jounin.

When I arrived at the gates I looked back for some seconds. I had a bad feeling that something will happen. I hope the village will be safe. The wind blew through my hair and my skin got goosebumps. I exhaled. It's just your imagination Sakura, get a hold of yourself.

I started sprinting through the branches, my eyes looking for some blue and small flowers that we used for the wounds. Finally I saw them in a small meadow. I landed next to them and picked one. It smelled wonderful as I remembered. The sun was shinning sending warm rays on my skin. I wanted to take a break already since my stomach was growling. I haven't ate anyting since last evening. I laid myself on the grass. I closed my eyes for two minutes. I was hungry but also, the weather was so wonderful, I could sit here all day. Suddenly, I heard something moving in the bushes. I stood up and took a kunai out. 

Before me was standing a tall blue man who carried a huge sword on his back. He wore a black cloak with red clouds on it. I gulped. Akatsuki. I had an S-ranked criminal in front of me.

My body started to tremble but I stayed still and waited for his move. What does he want so close to the village? It seems like he's alone.

''Well, well look at this little cherry blossom. How can a little girl like you go out of the village on her own?'' he asked me smirking, showing his sharp teeth.

''W-what do you want?'' I asked my voice shaking.

''I just wanted to pay a visit to your village at one of my friends request but I have a better idea now.''

I gulped again.

He made some hand signs.

''Suiton: Suiryuuben''

Two dragon heads of water came towards me and I had no time to dodge. I felt the water entering my lungs as the dragons swallowed me and I slowly closed my eyes letting the darkness and perhaps death, swallowing me as well.


I felt like someone threw me on the floor. My whole body hurt. I couldn't feel my chakra and I couldn't move my body. I wasn't dead. But how? Why did he spare me? He could have ended my miserable life right there. Something cold kept me from moving. A chain. I had a chain tight around my legs, hands and body  and someone gripped the chain from an end like a leash. I slowly opened my eyes but it was very dark. I couldn't see anything. I felt the chain digging into my skin and I cringed.

''Before I could get to Konoha I found this girl. I think she might be of use to you since she's a friend of that Jinchuuriki. It would have been harder to get him anyways.'' I recognized the voice of the blue freak but this time it was colder and darker.

Suddenly, two eyes opened in front of me and the last thing I saw were two Sharingans starring down into my eyes.


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