Chapter 8 - Not giving up on her

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"I thought I had you, but I had to guess that you'd move on after my mistakes."

I clentched my fists at those painful memories. This is the man who caused Sasuke so much suffering during the Chunin exams, who marked him and forced him to join his filthy path. The man who took the love of my life away from me and forced me to see him leaving without a word about a possible returning. He is the one who fueled him with hatred and made him turn his back to love and friendship, to a happy life. Above all, he is the one who killed the third Hokage. A man of honour who fought bravely for our village.

I kept my head low, my pink locks shadowing my eyes which burned with anger. I tried to bring as much chakra as I could to my right fist. I bit my lower lip in anger before I stormed towards him, adrenaline flowing through my body. I took him by surprise with my speed and I hit him in the jaw, sending him a few feet away. I breathed heavily as droplets of sweat covered my forehead. My glare was burning through his skull. If that freak had one.

Suddenly, I felt how the life was squeezed out of me. Around my body was a thick white snake. But I hadn't time to think about it. Itachi cut the snake into pieces with his kunai.

Orochimaru looked at us with that idiotic smirk on his face. He started to walk slowly toward us.

"Such a powerful body, eyes and bloodline and you are wasting them fighting for some criminals." he said in his venomous voice.

Out of nowhere, a thick white snake like the one from a few minutes ago wrapped tight around Orochimaru.

Itachi wore a proud smirk on his face and it was enough to realize that he is the one who trapped him using his, now activated, Sharingan.

"Orochimaru, I told you. These eyes can see through everything."

"W-what an incredible power, those eyes..."

Even I, who I spent a lot of time around an Uchiha, am surprised. It's really an unique power enough to trick a legendary Sannin.

He tried to raise his trembling hand, hardly, but in no time, Itachi cut it entirely with his kunai. Blood spilled everywhere.

"Now, you are gonna die." I heard him saying in a dark tone.

"I-itachiii." Orochimaru begged full of fear. The Uchihas really are terrifying.

Before Itachi could make any more moves, Kabuto appreared through smoke, took Orochimaru, and disappeared in the same way.

Itachi turned to me, his eyes back to their normal, mesmerizing colour.

"Are you hurt?"

I shook my head.

"Let's get going then."

*Kakashi's POV*

"Aright then. We should split. Yamato, Sai, Ino and Choji take this path." I pointed on the small map that Tsunade gave me. We searched together for two days but with no succes. Everyone became impatient and Naruto became angrier with himself with each passing day.

"Shikamaru and Asuma, this way. Kurenai, Hinata, Kiba and Shino, this way. Gay, Lee, Ten Ten and Neji, you will take that road. Me and Naruto will go straight ahead. We meet at this exact point in five days."

We split and started to search for Sakura.

"I'm gonna kill every last one of them dattebayo." Naruto said as we were walking. He didn't want to take a break. I don't even know how he still had energy considering that he haven't sleept since we left Konoha.

"Oi, Naruto. Sakura advanced a lot as a kunoichi. I'm sure she can take care of herself until we reach her." I told him smiling through my mask.

"I know, but I'm not giving up on her."
He said with a straight and determined face, yet so soft and full of emotions, full of love.

*Sasuke's POV*

I sat in Kabuto's lab to keep Karin away from me. She hated his experiments and was disgusted by them so I was safe.

Kabuto teleported here holding a wounded Orochimaru, an arm around his shoulders. He had blood all around his right hand that was cut. He laid him on a table.

"Hn." I started heading to the door when I heard Orochimaru talking.

"I met Itachi today." he said, his voice cracking. I held the doorknob tight with my hand. That name makes my blood boil everytime. I bit my lip in amger.

As I opened the door he talked again.

"He was with that pink haired kunoich that is your friend."

I turned around very fast, Sharingan activated.

"Don't you dare touch her." I spit, his smirk never leaving his face.

"Don't worry. Your big brother already protects her."

I stomped out of the room angrily. I will go after him. I will not let him lay one single finger on her.

I'm not giving up on her. I thought as I couldn't help imagining all those horrible things that he could do to her. I'm not letting her get hurt again. Ever.

*Sakura's POV*

The night came fast as we walked all day. We weren't in a hurry anymore because now we had the scroll. During the day nothing changed. Itachi still wasn't talking much, letting me alone with my toughts. I felt my legs weak because I haven't slept in days. My knees started to tremble and I collapsed on the ground. Itachi looked at me, turning only his head.

"I-I'm sorry." was the only thing that I managed to say. He sighed and turned around helping me back on my legs. I blushed at the contact.

"Maybe we should rest. We can take our time."

I nodded. He gathered a pile of woods and lit it with his Katon (fire style).

We both sat in front of it. I let the warmth onto my skin. I turned my head to Itachi and I could see beautiful shadows on his flawless skin made by the flames. He catught me staring and smirked. That marvelous smirk that could turn the gloomy days into the most warm days. I still can't believe that that is the face which massacred an entire clan. It isn't the face of a criminal, I could tell.

He laid on his back. I shivered when the wind blew, getting goosebumps on my skin. Itachi noticed my discomfort.

"Come here."

He laid me near him. My head on his chest and both his arms around my body. I inhaled his scent and suddenly, I felt safe.

Forbidden (ItaSaku) - Book 1Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang