You made a promise to yourself and your parents...

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Oh yeah.

I can't believe this is happening.

What are you going to do about it?

What else can I do?

I ran.

I took a nice long run twice around the neighborhood.

I was drenched in my own sweat by the time I came back to my place.

I had was welcomed by Cordelia and a pie.

Which could only mean one thing.

“What do you need to talk about Cor?”

“Oh nothing about me. Baby is fine, Dan is fine, I am swell...”

“Then what are we gonna...”

and then it hit me.


“Did he call you?”

“not exactly.”


“He called Danny and he wanted Dan to talk to you but I thought talking to a girl about this was better.”

“Ah. So?”

“Sit my dear and help me with this pie.”

she held up a fork and smiled at me.

I took a seat across from and dug into the pie.

“So spill it Belinda.”

“I just- I...I am jealous.”


“That actress he is doing those scenes with. I know I shouldn't but a part of me is just screaming with all its might that it should be me there and not her.”

“Have you two know?”

“No, I just no. We haven't he knows my deal and I just I want to be sure he is the one. That he is the one I am gonna be with for the rest of my life you know? I have never done it before and I just don't want to waste it as corny as that sounds.”

“Its not corny Bel, its nice. You made that promise to yourself and your parents. Its not stupid or corny and Rob respects you enough to stick by your choice. But have you talked to him about his work? That this is just part of the job description and not for real?”

“I just don't want to annoy him by asking questions.”

“Girl I am sure that any questions you have about his work he won't find annoying. I think he will talk to you about it gladly.”

“You think?”

“Yes Belinda he is completely head over heels in love with you. He gave you that necklace for a reason didn't he?”

I tugged at my pendant and thought about it.

He does.

“Yes, maybe I should really talk to him about it.”

“Better yet I think you should go see him work.”


“take a trip over there. You have always wanted to see New York and this will give you a perspective on his work. I think this will be good for you.”

“I don't know Cor I just cant show up out of the blue and disrupt him at work.”

“I think he would be surprised.”

“I have the band and Dan...”

“You guys have nothing planned for right now. Go down to the airport and go visit him for a while.”

“I don't know...”


do something spontaneous for once in your life woman!

“Fine I will do it.”

she helped me grabbed some outfits from my closet and some shoes and tossed them in my suitcase.

I grabbed my messenger bag hug her and Danny bye and grabbed a cab to the airport.

I have never done this before, ever, even for a guy.

He just different.

All I could think about on the plane ride was how in the hell am I going to find him?

Some time and a connecting flight later I stood in the middle of JFK airport, suitcase in hand wondering what the hell am I going to do.

And then it hit me.

I hope this doesn't back fire.

All I wanted was you..Where stories live. Discover now