are you ready to be in a realtionship with someone like me?

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We stopped before we could make it to our seats.

"Whats wrong?"

"Nothing I just have to check something out?"


he quickly jogged to his manager and had a short conversation.

"What was that about?"

"I just need to make sure he had everything ready."

"Ready for what?"

"Nothing, come on or we have to work our way through to our seats."

we were ushered to our seats which I had to admit were in a really nice location.

but I could feel all eye on me as I went to my seat next to Rob's, and he was a little nervous and it seemed a little shaky.

"Are you sure you are okay?"

"I am fine love don't worry."

he reached for my hand and grabbed it.

I smiled.

the lights dimmed down and I could hear the projector working, and the people settling down.

the opening sequence came on.

a voice, hers I am guessing came started to talk.

'I'd never given much thought to how I would die...'

its started okay, warm colors in the beginning, then all the cold of Washington came, and all its cool colors of blues.

I could feel him beside me starting to take heavy breathes, i know those types of breathes....I have them....when...nah he isn't.

they introduced her character and her purpose in her place in the town of forks, her family and long forgotten friend.

but when the scene where she is in a cafeteria I could feel it...I could feel it coming for him.

what set him off was seeing his face on the screen and he just got up and ran out of the theater.

I took a deep breath, grabbed my clutch quickly made my way out after him.

he just ran for it.

he was fast.

I saw an usher standing by the door.

"Which way did he run?"

"He ran to the parking lot ma'am."

"Thank you."

I made my way towards the direction he pointed to.

pushing the doors open and scan the cars but it didn't take me long to see him fumbling with a set of keys to get the door open and go inside.

I quickly made my way there and knocked on the window.

he looked up with panic written all over his face.

he unlocked the doors and I got in the passenger side.

he had his head on the steering wheel.

"I am-i am so-i am so sor-sorry."

I rubbed his back.

"Shhhh its okay."

"No I just ru-ruined every everything."

"No you didn't"

"Y-yes I did."

"Hey look at me."

he was still taking deep breathes.

"Its okay. I understand. I kind of saw it coming to be honest."

he looked up at me.

"yo-you did?"

I smiled.

"Yeah you started freaking out the moment we walked towards our seats. and when you saw yourself that pushed you over the edge."

"How did you know?"

"I panic too remember, but for me its people."

All of a sudden a started seeing flashes going off.

"hey rob over here!! no here!"

shit fucking paparazzi.


he turned the car on and honked the horn and started to speed off.

he was silent almost like he was unsure of something.



"You are not sure you want to ask me something but you want to know, so ask."

"How did you know?"

"When you are me you just notice these things. Ask."

"Are you ready for this?"

"For what?"

"The fans, the paparazzi, seeing your picture on a magazine, being followed around, having people making up lies, or trying to get into your personal life...are your ready for all that?"

"Get to your point."

"What I am trying to say is that are you ready to be in a relationship with someone like me? who is in the public eye? Are you ready for all the craziness."

I chuckled and he gripped the wheel tighter.

"I don't care about that shit, I don't care about any of it. I can with stand it all if it means I can have you. I don't care about your fame or all the made up bullshit that people write just to sell a magazine. As long as I get to have you by my side I don't care. I love you not all the other stuff."

he started to breathe a little easier and he stopped in front of the hotel.

"Are you sure?"

"100 percent."

he smiled and kiss my hand.

"Come on lets check out the roof."

I smiled.

a part of me was ready for it all.

he was it.

he one who was already in a way starting to fix me.

but i wonder....what did Kristen to to him?

All I wanted was you..Where stories live. Discover now