his voice...his eyes...

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I managed to get to bed after my short and sweet conversation with Rob on the phone.

It seemed like my past has come back and it does not intend to leave until it gets something.

but the question is what?

I managed to sleep in until the early afternoon.

I just laid in my bed thinking about how the past has come to ruin the present.

how did this all get so screwed up?

I am happy and in love, really in love and now Nathan has come back for what?

to try to finish what he started?

to ruin what I have now?


I pulled my blanket over my head thinking it would solve something.

until I heard a noise that made me a little uneasy.

like a pan hitting the floor with a loud BANG!

"whose there?"

what an idiot move to do, never say that! it just lets the intruder know where you are.


I just heard more rattling in the kitchen.

just look if its someone you don't know scream your head off alright?


I crept across my bedroom floor and opened my bedroom door to see a guy poking around in my kitchen, all I could feel is terror and I became paralyzed on the spot I was standing.

I managed to get a closer look at the person going through things in my kitchen and lets just say this was unexpected...

"What are you doing here?"

he turned around and looked like a deer in the headlights.

"Uh...trying to make breakfast?"

I must say I have a great boyfriend.

"Rob I mean, how did you get here and get in?"

he smiled

"Well after the call last night I kind of got worried and I just needed to be here with you."

I smiled back

"its a very long distance how did you?.."

"I caught the red eye. They are faster."

"Now to the other question what are you doing to my kitchen?"

"Oh..about that I tried to surprise you by making you lunch but I think that shipped has


"Its the thought that counts, and thank you."

"For what? a really terrible surprise?"

"ha ha no for being here, and the lovely gesture. You are too amazing for words."

he stood there and turned a little red.

"I just...I didn't want you to be alone."

"I know."

"did he come around?"

"He was banging on my door last night."

"Dan told me, also that he scared him off."

"I just I don't know how he found out where I was living."

"Lets not think about that right now. Lets just enjoy these next few days."


"Did you just say next few days?"

"Yep I have a break from shooting and i just threw clothes in my suitcase and came home."

"I am home?"

"Of course you are beautiful. you make me feel complete when I am with you."

he walked over and pulled me to him and just held me.

i missed this him, his voice, his eyes..

"I missed you so much."

"I know babe."

"I have been keeping busy to keep from thinking of you but all it does is make me write songs about you."

"About me?"

"Yeah you are like a muse to me."

"Me a muse?"

"Yes Mr. Pattinson a muse, a very tall one."

he laughed

"I missed holding you in my arms at night."

we stayed there holding each other breathing in what each of us missed, each other.

and for that moment I forgot all about Nathan and the problems he might bring.

All I wanted was you..Where stories live. Discover now