He saw me...no one ever saw me.

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"Hey nerd stop reading you book."

no need to look up to see who it was.

"Hey Cordy. Whats up?"

"Nothing much thought i would take you out to lunch I don't you brought any."

"Well you got me there. Where to?"

"Ye-sh its dead in here."

"Tell me about it people don't read these days, its all about the digital reader shit."

"That's blows."

"Yeah where to?"

"I was just thinking the diner on the corner."


we were walking outside and these mobs of girls just ran past us.

"Whoa someone famous in town?"

"hahaha look like it Lin."

then I thought of the weird guy...nah.

we got to the diner and got our corner booth and started to order

"Hey Cor you won't believe this weird guy who came in today."

"Weird? How?"

"He came in looking around him like someone was following. And he came in to buy The Wonderful Wizard of Oz, and he was acting all weird like I was gonna scream at him or something you know?"

"Really? I mean seriously the Wizard of Oz?"

"hahaha only you can remember the minor detail."

"Well yeah how many people buy copy of that book these days?"


"Did he talk to you?"

"Yeah he was like expecting me to know who he was and all just strange. He had an accent."

"Did you get his name?"

"Said his name was Rob."

we ate and talked about Cor's work and some rude people.

"I mean he didn't even leave me a tip after I bent backwards to get his fucking scrambled eggs just right!! ugh."

"Bummer girl."

"Yeah I mean that son of a-"

the sound of girls screams was hard to miss.

the lots of

"OH MY GOD!!!!"



"See and you wonder why I avoid going out in public sometimes Cor."

"I can see. oh gosh remember that time you got knocked down by a bunch of girl who were chasing whats his name?"

"Some guy fuck what was his name? one of those Jonas brothers!"

"Joe! hahaha shit was funny."

"For you. you weren't the one that got knocked over by tweens watching to touch a 20 year old...seriously."

me and people gosh its like sticking bamboo splinters under my nails.

we were in the middle of dessert when an unexpected and unwelcomed guess came into out booth.

he squeezed his way into my side and had his back to the door and windows. his hood pulled over his head and ray bans on.

"oh gosh excuse me ladies I just needed somewhere to hide out while the screaming migrates somewhere else."

he looked at me and smiled.

"Hey its Belinda Morgan."

what the fuck? how did he know my name?

"Do i know you?"

he chuckled and removed his sun glasses

"Sorry about that. its me Rob?"

"Oh...yeah I remember you. Didn't expect you to see you so soon."

"Me neither. Sorry about interrupting your lunch here just needed a hiding spot."

Cordy looked at him strange.

"Hey are you? nah it can't be..."

his eyes widen.

"Please don't...please I will give you an autograph and take a picture with you but please please don't scream or draw attention."

"Oh shit it really is you!! Lin its that guy!"

I am seriously lost.

"What guy? What are you talking about Cordelia?"

"Remember that movie? The one about Salvidor Dali? Little Ashes?"

I searched my brain and then it clicked.

"Oh yeah what about it?"

"Its him!! its the guy who played Dali!"

I turned to him and looked at him for while.

"Huh what do you know it is you. Cool."

he had a weird look on his face.

"Wait you're not gonna freak out?"

"No. Why should I?"

he just stared at me.

"What? Why do you keep giving me that look?"

"Its just most girls do. the whole screaming and stalking me thing."

"Like I said before I am not most girls. Look I got to go Cor, see you at home. See you around Rob."

I got out of the booth and headed fast for the book store.

he was just too close for comfort, I never liked having anyone that close to me.

I barely knew him.

he keeps staring me, whats there to look at?

beside a mop of brown hair...there is nothing special to me.

maybe the gig at the club would lift me up.

I walked back in the store and continued reading.

But I couldn't get his eyes out of my mind.

He saw me...no one ever saw me.

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