To remind you that nobody loves you as much as I do.

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Two weeks went by too fast.

Here I am holding onto to the man I have come to love.

I never thought I could end up here again but through it all I am.

he had his bag packed and his ticket in his jacket but I couldn't seem to want to let go.

I don't want to.

But I have to.

he seemed to be reading my mind

"I know I don't want to go either."

"Then don't... please stay."

he chuckled and held me tighter.

"I have a film to finish love, I promise I will be back here as soon as we wrap."

"Please let it be soon."

"You will see time will fly, and you have the band to rehearse with."

"But they are not you."

I buried my face in his chest trying to member this moment, his touch, his smell, his jacket, this feeling.

"I know."

He released me and started rummaging around in his back pack.

call for flight 91 to New York now boarding

"Oh shit."

"Rob come on I will walk you to the boarding."

"Hold on second love trying to find this stupid thing."

"What stupid thing?"

"Just...ugh! I have to learn how to be neater!"

I giggled a little bit. I always said he would be a neat freak's nightmare.

"Rob you are going to miss your flight."

"No I am not let me just... oh fuck it!"

he dumped the entire contents of this back pack onto the airport floor.

"Robert what are you doing?"

he spread out his things until he found what he was looking for

"There it is that little bugger!"

he picked up a yellow paper wrapped box and handed it to me.


"Belinda shush, now babe don't open this until I am gone okay?"


"Belinda please."

"But Rob.."

"Babe come on before I really miss my plane."

we stuffed all his things on the ground and rushed for the gate.

running lets just say not Rob's strong suit.

"Stop laughing at me Ms. I run everyday."

"Can't help it."


"I guess you really have to go."

"Yes I do."

"I wish you could stay."

"Me too."

he grabbed my face and brought it up to his kissing me and causing me to forget where I was. To forget I was saying goodbye for now, and engraving this moment more into my memory.

he pulled away and kissed my forehead.

"I love you don't forget that."

"I won't ever forget."

"I will always love you Belinda Morgan."

"You are gonna stay with me no matter what Rob."

the flight attendant made sure he was going to board.

"Sir are you ready to board."

"In a minute."

he held me close.

"I will be back."

"I will be waiting."

he kissed my forehead again and let me go and put on his shades.

I watched me walk onto the plane and look back at me to wave.

I stood glued onto the window watching the plane slowly move and finally soar into the air with my love inside it.

it was only when I saw it disappear from my vision that I remembered about the box in my hands.

'open it when I am gone' he said

I lifted the lid of the box and wanted to cry to what I saw inside.

it was a simple heart pendant on a silver chain.

and a note inside that read:

To remind you that nobody loves you as much as I do



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